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Sunday, May 30, 2010

randomly for fun.. lol !!

haha , so today we went to the botecnic garden for free... we went there by bus .. lol... we saw alot of dogs .... all seem to be super thirsty . lol... anyway , let the pictures do the talking ... too tired to write anymore .. lol !

me with the big tree...

my bf become avatar ???? lol

"you should go back ".. lol

he is feeling hot actually .. he buay tahan


hey watch where u are touching

where are u ? dear ? dont hide behind a coconut tree...

you see..... pussy

nice right.... ^^

i like this picture the most ..

the overall view of the botechnic garden ... of course my phone cam suck

Blue flower...... yea!! hmm.. ok

say cheese!

we were blocked... :( oh well

the waterfall !! ^^

the two mandrain duck who loves raisin bread

i wan to photoshop my pimples away.... my face in contact with heat always turn red :'(

I miss your beautiful smile ... 1:33 AM

Saturday, May 29, 2010
ok , so today in the mornign .. my mum said .. let go Kelong instead of Bali beach............................ =.=

Bali beach

both are sea .. but why is there a big different from the places that i wished to go..... sibei sian... hope Bali beach is the place where i am heading to.................... arggg..

i cant believe

I miss your beautiful smile ... 9:15 AM

ok , so i just added a new function to my blogger.. which is the formspring... you can ask me anything .. lol ! just for the sake of fun..dont ask anything which is too "personal" ... lol.... you can see my answer by clicking the "formspring" ..lol

anyway , tml me and my dear will be going to botechnic garden for a tour... lol.... just for fun... but got to wake up quite early lei... i dunno if i can wake up anot .. all have to depend on dear to call me up now... i am just going to sleep like a log.. argghhhh , tml den i start doing my IC drawing .. or today i start a bit? i really very sian lor .... / . . \ lol..... cause so many thing to draw... anootation already need hours to do.. still got to measure ... sian.... = .=

nvm.. i need to kambatek alr lor .... cannot slack too much.. i become lazy later.. lol.. or am i getting lazy now ? hahahaha ... dont care... ;p

hope tml i can take alot of pictures... i got no camera now lor .. sis bring it to redung.. =.= got to wait... arggghhhh.. or i use dad one lor .. if he willing to lend me la.... sob..

wTH.. teacher ask us to do a Furniture design right ... but they alr have winners !! WAD THE HELL is this .. i think is like kanna cheated ...


see This .... very .... Fish *

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:34 AM

Friday, May 28, 2010
ok , so today i was a little irritated to hear that my whole plan was not going to be turn out as what as i expected. of course , i was quite irritated ... but after a while ... my soft hearted heart take control over me... ya.. i am a soft hearted person... hope my soft hearted heart will have it repay..

so anyway , dear have a thing on his neck.. dunno what was that .. but i know it is getting smaller... dont worry too much dear .. when i help you massage .. i can feel it ... after the night time, your lump is smaller... i guess is because you haven really rest well... dont worry... those that hurts, is nothing.... you see those cancer paitents.... why always at last stage den they realize got cancer??? because the thing spread secretly one... no pain normally la... so dont worry too much ok...you not going to die....

you going to live like a cockroach... alright ...
remember to always drink more water... have enough sleep... like now u should sleep alr.. but still play games .. how to recover.. you wan me to knock your head is it huh!

i give you a SUPERMAN punch...

I miss your beautiful smile ... 9:10 AM

Thursday, May 27, 2010
so anyway , i am here to blog before i turn in to bed ... i am happy that both of us find a way to communicate with each other better. but as you know, i will control my fiery temper... and dont flare as easily as last time . i know my temper is not very good.. i think all dragon babies temper not so good ... lol .. ok i am not pushing the blame to zodic... just feel that onli... lol ...

ok , so you were touched when you read my blog.. although i didnt know what exactly let u feel so touched... probably because i keep mentioning about you in my blog ... but i hope you must know that if i give you the respect you want, you should give me the respect i need. Because during the phone conversation,you just shoot without considering my feelings... probably you patch because you still like me a little... and you say if we quarrel next time .. you will leave ... and you ask me to considered our rls with you...

why are you always giving me hopes again and again and smashes it without thinking if that thing is fragile or not... i dont know why you will say out this thing to me... but i am human.. please kindly take note of that... i alr try to hold my temper down .. i also dont wan to quarrel ... do u think i feel super satifised after quarrelling with you.. but after your phone conversation, it seem that you are able to live alone happily even if there is no me.... so is my presense important to you ??? or it is only a toy... it is ok to have or don have...

but you called me after that and told me you were too harsh in your words that you used...i am sad of course ... but i am trying not to pick a big fuss over this kind of thing anymore... i want you to understand that in this world... no one can live without who... dont assume that even if you spit at the thing you once loved... the thing will still be there ...

if you and i can change our habit .. that would be better... i just hope you can kick the habit of walking away when you are angry.. i feel very irritated ..

just like how u feel toward me .....

I miss your beautiful smile ... 9:49 AM

Wednesday, May 26, 2010
stop the pain ,
stop the strain
stop it ! stop it !

stop affecting us ! stop ! stop !

i must loosen up..NOW!

I miss your beautiful smile ... 11:30 AM

today was a good weather... not so hot and humid like last time... the heat is still bearable... today i plug in my ipod and listen to a song repetitive..it is a english song.... that song accompany me from 12 pm to 6 pm.. until it become low batt...nice... wasting battery..

i bought food from the japan courthouse and began to have my breakfast and lunch there ... super nice.. the drink 0.80 cents onli ....

so after that , after my lunch, i settle down and began my second elevation of my kitchen... i know this teacher is very fussy about alot of things ... so even the words, i try to be very straight.... in case she comment.. oh this is too crooked ....and etc.. this IC teacher is good la, she is willing to teach .. but she dont really like noise.. lol ... .different teachers have different needs ... lol ^^

drawing and drawing for so long till i get really very tired ... den i rest and play with my ds and buy a ice cream.... this ice cream even exp than the "gold" ice cream =.= ... how can it be ? but i still buy and eat ... waste money again... but i buy because i know i taking my chinese powder ... medicine ... very bitter... so i guess it is ok... to pamper my tongue.. ^^

anyway , i didnt sms u for a few days from the day you told me you are ensure of our relationship.. i am just giving you time and space to let you see better of yourself .. and give me time to see myself in this relationship .... The days we quarrel can be make into a encyclopedia book....

why is our relationship always end up in quarrelling when u are out of NS during weekends ?

I miss your beautiful smile ... 4:18 AM

Tuesday, May 25, 2010
recenty all my posts has been super negative.. sorry about that .. i am going through the process of emo-ing... i cant really focus because there is a question over my head ... i try to plug out the problem but it seem to be stucked there ... i am currently feeling so suck right now .... tml i be going to yishun to study .. guess i need to be surrounded by a group of strangers to give me the encouragement to carry on with my work... Strangers are really miracle... they seem to have noticed that you are sad but they wont ask question... they just walk past you and that it.. i like being a stranger to other person... maybe he / she is feeling sad , a invisible soul will be there to give her/him the support..

i have no mood to design , draw ... all i did was to stare at the comp 24 hours.. i keep asking mysef :" chris, buck up.. stop thinking " but it seem that my brain dont really listen to me ... so i know one thing for sure.. i cant stay at hm tml.. i know my mind will wander around..

maybe currently you are ensure of our relationship, but i can tell u from my perspective.. ur feeling for me has changed ... i know ... it is just that i dont say out .. i keep seeking your attention by quarrelling with you... wanted your hugs so much but seem that perhapes you and i have already grown up... we see different things.. develop different mindsets...

Right now , i am confused also ... by your confused... i am not putting words in your mouth..but seriously , be true to yourself.. be fair to me and you.. am i only your love or become your habit? you should give me fairness and equality... because right now, i realized love is empty...

last time. i used to believe love does exist even it is invisible.. am i wrong this time ?

说好陪我到老 永恒往哪里找 ?

I miss your beautiful smile ... 10:00 AM

right now , i am simply pretty calm in most of the things. I might be a little bit jumpy, but inside me i knew the answer. The answer was simple yet complicated . No matter what, i will be facing the world in a positive attitude... I dont really care what the world will changed to... but i cared what i have now ...

compare to african babies , i am considered quite fortunate... i shouldnt be complaining every single thing... but as u know , life is short.... i dont have time to handle thing which is beyond my control. Probably , after this , i tend to wise up and tend to think more than usual ...i am not going to cared about what will be happening.. but no matter what the changes is, i will accept it graciously... Thank for all these years you have been taking care of me..

i move to my goal and dream..... i should pull up my socks and shouldnt keep emoing anymore... there is nothing to be fear about when the obstacles is infront of you... work hard , study hard chris!

my fav song to accompany me during my trip home :

I miss your beautiful smile ... 6:18 AM

Friday, May 21, 2010
Welcome to my new singlehood life :/

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:49 AM

I am waiting for your answer.
No mood for anything now..

I miss your beautiful smile ... 7:26 AM

Thursday, May 20, 2010
yea .. i am so happy that i got my first 3d max blue chair done and uploaded ... !! lol

but our teacher still want us to do another sofa... diao.. now is 2 seat sofa... got to get cracking now ... LOL

TaTa ~~ !! ^^

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:11 PM

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
i met so many people today without purposly meet up. It was so weird... today i plan to like go yishun around one pm to study and do my stuff quiety at japan courthouse.. because there got my fav sushi, fav place, fav env, and fav music... i seem to be very focused whenever i am there ... at home so hot , i dont like to study .. plus got TV... it make me feel very slack like hell ... LOL !!

so i force myself to wake up... play my ds dogs for a while den go bath ... den i start my journey to the japan courthouse... suddenly i heard some one calling me ... "chris chris chris" den i start to scan the area... oh.. lol .. i saw Eugene, Adeline and Bill... they were eating there ... lol ... fated to meet ^^ lol... keke ... i ate the curry rice... very very very FULL !! YUMMY !!

Den after that they are about to go off, i ate finished and started my plan A.. my plan A is to study and be focused... no disturb, no picking calls.. nothing .... Den suddenly a Stupid Secondary girl interrupted my plan A !!! Ahhhhh ... she keep moaning in public .. asking his BB not to play games... den i was Like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can u shut up and Go away... you bimbo .... !!!! Wan go moan , moan in public toilet with ur BB... THere are plenty of handicapped toilet.... So angry...

Den after that, ok .. is about 6 pm... cause i 6 pm meet ah hua... ^^ ... den go pee first .... cause never pee from morning till 6 pm... den meet her... go straight to TPY... Den Guess what ~!!! I saw fir wearing watson clothing and giving out leaflets... den i was quite shock... and walk away... dont feel like hurting his pride ... so me and hua .... walk happily and line up ... den one of the staffs wan to take pic... den all aunties starting to use brouchures to cover face.. say so embarrassed... lol !! i am ok with it ... cause i think this is normal ... i dont find it aunties... hmm... for me la... is ok wad... got promotion of course got ppl lined up.. if not got promotion for what ... LOL

i know ... if my dear go with me.. he sure dont like it ... cause crowd mah .. lol... ^^ so i bring my kakis to go shopping ... LOL ... in the end, i buy lot of essential needs stuffs for hair , masara and lady electric shaver... i don need to use manual.. lol.. ma fan .. lol ... in the end, spend ....

$ secret... not much la... ok la. .. KEKEKEK

hua spend more.. she also tio very shock tt she spend over $200.... i also tio shock... i only a peanut nia... lol... but she buy for her family... i buy for personal ... so i think is ok de ^^ ok la. .. hope to shop again with hua soon... but dont shop alot .... window shopping also can ^^

I miss your beautiful smile ... 9:19 AM

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
i am having a happy small life .. my health is back.. i am not coughing anymore and my lips has fully recover ... Yeah.. i been waiting long for this day.. haha ..

However , School work is piling up..... haiz... siannnnnn

when u are feeling happy and contented , there will be someone or something to throw cold water on your face... to ask you to wait up from your dreams and start working hard... ^^

Tml i am so happy, shu hua ask me out at 6 pm ... meeting her at yishun... Keke ... i plan to go to yishun library .. and do my stuffs there ... got aircon, brain work better... if not i feel very hot coping at home ^^ keke

I miss your beautiful smile ... 5:26 AM

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Today i went to national library alone to do my self research because my info wasnt sufficient.. den i go borrow a book and write the notes down as i read... my eyes become soooo tired after that .. den plus somemore... i hungry... so i go down to J.C.o and have some donut.... hmm yummy ... it was so YUMMY and SWEET ... No one can resist the temptation...... Yummy... hahaha den i sit down play my ds until i almost the stage finished... hahahah .... ^^

My beautiful peace of moment...

I miss your beautiful smile ... 6:35 AM

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
today i am very happy becaus i plan to go for a short trip with my dear dear on 26 June .. if he can manage to apply for leave and pei me to the malaysia for one day... mum keep asking .. got overnight stay a not... = = so what if overnight stay... = = but dunno have la .. go see fireflies , obstrict farm...

dunno if it is fun... but $72 per person nett... guess it isnt that expensive after all... haha ... anyway , if u think why i dun wan to go alot of outing with friends is because i am saving up for next yr holiday... cause mum not providing the money.... they ask us to fork the money out by ourself... sis still ok , got work... i poor thing.. got sch, plus got bf ... no much money left... =.= so i got to save ^^ i wanna save about 5 days money.... maybe change about $500 ... to taiwan dollars.. that time i go taiwan... with $500 ... come back only left a few cents ... keke ...this time i go with my sister and parent... confirm no $$$ come back ... haha

i wanna confirm somemore ... if ok ... den i be going to the obstrict farm

I wonder how fireflies look at night :)

I miss your beautiful smile ... 7:48 PM

today after school, we went home as usual in a group.. Den out of sudden, when i was crossing the overhead bridge , adeline suddenly asked me to see a girl who is crying so pitifully.... the scenario was like this :there is a white hair guy .. which i think is the girl's boyfriend.. the boyfriend flagged down a taxi for her and ask her to go in ... but suddenly she step back and starts to use her hands to cover her mouth and cry.. den out of a sudden, she scream..and cry... den i was like oh my.... what happen??? =.=

I didnt know what happen but me and adeline got two story mode which seem to match the whole puzzle up..

Adeline story mode was that she think the girl's boyfriend must have make her best friend kanna pregnant so she super devastated and cover her mouth and cry... her story is something like tt...

Mine was like , the boyfriend must have made her pregnant and he claimed that the son should be adorted..... so he went to flag a taxi for her and want to bring her to those black doctor... but the girl was so sad at what he said so she scream and cry ...

basically ... that is what we think only .. lol

but the girl was very "exaggerate" to cry Like this... seriously... unless it happen that one of our story mode come out .. if not i dont really understand what caused her to act like this ...

I miss your beautiful smile ... 7:08 AM

Monday, May 10, 2010
keke monday is always blue for me .. because we always study at 6.30 pm... is like.... very sian for me .. but anyway, today dear just told me he cook for me in seoul gargen because i told him no one cook for me today... yeahhh. ..

SEoul Garden !!!! ^^ awaiting for it soon !!!

I miss your beautiful smile ... 7:59 AM

Sunday, May 9, 2010
you and i we share a part to build up this relationship together . Sometimes i dont find it really fair when u said u are in NS and i have the whole world outside... yes , i am outside but i am not playing around... i am always going to school and go back home after studying ....

i know you are pretty busy so i dont mind u sms me short..
i can bear with loneliness that i have to face because i knew u are in NS .
That is a part i have to share... loneliness...

If you think it is easy to do, try it.

Flaring temper and run away fast is always part of your habit when u are angry with me. How much chances or times can we afford to be like this every weekends? i cant imagine.... Because if u are feeling shortness for breath, the other partner will not be feeling lesser than you. All of us have a limits to everything, just a matter of time when do we say stop....

It is easy to fall in love but difficult to make it last if we continue to be like this. i can see u are almost to the verge of finishing point when you are giving up soon.... my feeling will not be lesser than you. just that sometimes i just keep it down... i dont wanna voice out because everything i say seem to be a target for quarrelling ... i felt meaingless in that way...

anyway... good luck to ur trip in tekong. hope we still last until tt time.

I miss your beautiful smile ... 9:21 AM

Thursday, May 6, 2010
i wan to complain ...
Dear dear
i sick lei...
sms so short...

laopo angry angry
this sat
u die... i wack ur Pipi...
den force u to drink my chinese bitter medicine.. (evil smile*)


I miss your beautiful smile ... 7:39 AM

today morning , i got a fever... den i eat panadol.... sobsob... after that, i go and see a chinese doctor... since western doctor doesnt work on me... i see a chinese one lor... den ask for one day MC because today didnt go to school :(

ahhh, i hate to miss lesson... but cant help it lor... lucky i didnt go school.. because i got a fever around afternoon and i got a severe headaches... den during 3 pm, i eat the medicine again... the chinese medicine is the worst power i ever eaten................. so BITTER.... i was like.... "can i eat a ice cream?"

but i know i cant... if not my illness wont recover... so i just sleep sleep sleep... today... i sleep like 12 hours.....after drinking the chinese herb... i always feel sleepy..

but anyway, my headache is gone... fever is down..
but got to take note in the night.. at night ... fever always re-emerged.... :(

i haven buy Iron man 2 tickets.... /..\
hope there is still space left for us... :(
if tml i go sch... i buy the movie ticket also ....

sob sob... and den pay school fees ... :)

I miss your beautiful smile ... 3:09 AM

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
today i dont feel very well... throat starting to get infected...
abit sian... of what my health has been affecting me.
i dont like my health now.. :(

somehow a bit shocked to see a couple break up'
is like i thought they would last through the NS..

Maybe somehow... love isnt that simple after all..

anyway, i am currently sick
is possible ... dont let my throat suffer alot..

I miss your beautiful smile ... 9:19 AM

Sunday, May 2, 2010
i research until my brain is sleepy alr
i dont feel like carry on already.
i wan to sleep ..


Tml den carry on with my research,


I miss your beautiful smile ... 9:44 AM

Disclaimers ♥
Welcome To chrisnicko.blogspot.com

Love Me? I will Love you back
Hate me? 'Click Here' & SHOO! :D

Rippers are welcome to leave
NO to spamming ! No tagboard available... ^^
Chubby ♥
I'm a donkey from spain who loves to eat strawberries. ok, so im not a donkey, and i'm not from spain either, but i do love strawberries. they're very nice. but honestly, i'd rather be an animal that flies. Maybe....dunno. *shrug* mmms. ok i don't know what i am. i'm just me.

Craves,Loves,Hates ♥
craves :
a short holiday to Bali
clothings :]
hair treatment :]
pimples vanished:]
health improve :D
be happy with dear ;)
Loves :
my Bf(: Super junior
pan-kun & james ^^
Hates :
who blurge in front of you . ppl who abuse authority.
dont have alot of hates .. my life will be shorter

Gossips ♥

preferably from CBOX, but all other tagboards work here too

Runaway-s ♥
Your beautiful links here :]
Y.X.Q - Yvonne
The senior class for Manga - "FIGHT"
Manga Teacher
peishan (family)
poh khim-baobei(family)
pk shop 2
pk shop 3
cherlyn shop
Brazilian jiu jitsu Singapore
Fara Blogshop
Averine Blogshop
Poh Khim
GF- Xinyin ( dont bother trying to access unless u got the pw)

Credits ♥
Designer: Audiee-kewgirl♥
Bascodes : kathleen
image : enakei,photobucket
Brushes : Deviantart

Why did you leave me ?
I keep asking myself why .
But i just can't seems to get an answer . Different answers keep floating across my mind.
It's making me very sick.
I really miss you ...

Reminiscing ♥
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010