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Friday, July 31, 2009
i always blog more because today is friday....i always have more time to blog on friday rather than thursday... Thursday is always my busy day because i have to finish my fri work lor... den today wad worst is OUR TEACHER ANDY POO said whatever we do for the last one month is just only a "PRACTISE".. mean no marks ... ALAMAK... do all those works but no marks sia... THANK AH.... ANDY POO !!

Today i wasnt late sia, first time... den very funny lor... von today thought school start at 9 am sia... den she sms lor... reach alr anot... i was like ... huh go so early for what .. it start at 9.30 sia... lol den val call me suddenly sia.. ask me where am i in a sleeping mode... she think that class start at 10.30 am.. lol.... very funny lor.. today ... all never checked their timetable bah... lol

den during BT lesson.. wa lao a... the teacher like dun wan to teach lor.... i have that teacher man... always speak chinese just for the benefit for CHINA ppl... wa lao.. waste time lor .. speak ENGLISH la.... keep switching to ENG to CHI .. CHI to ENG ... wad the hell man ...

After tt, go to school canteen and makan'

During DP lesson... Den we start to draw lines and lines and more lines..

Haha.. okok...got to do homework now :)

I miss your beautiful smile ... 6:09 AM

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
today , it was a boring day sia... early in the moring... have to wake up at 6 am de.. but in the end, i wake up at 7.10 sia.. i was like oh my goosh.. i am gg to be late for the 8.30 class.. lucky val sms me to wak e me up sia.. if not i die man...

Den went to class ... 10 min late... den faster settle down myself to do my work... hahaah... mine do very fast cause all square mah... lol... but in a unique way sia... ^^ 30 min... finish alr ... lol.... but i dunno if it is good anot la .. but i follow teacher instruction very firmly.... strive to get good grade.. lol

Den after that go to outside amk to eat because we Got 3 hours break.. 3 HOURS break... no joke man....

slack until the time hit 1.30 am... go to sch.. meanwhile.. dear dear sms me in a very emo way cause he feel tt no matter wad he do... he cant pass his IPPT... never mind la... i think it is quite common... cause his legs isnot good... he injury his leg before..

lucky , today he guai guai.. go see a doc... take 2 day MC... doc say is muscle strain...

LUCKY DEAR.. u wake up alr ... go and see doc finally.. lol

Love u... waiting for u till this sat ... sat , 1.3o pm wait at ur house downstair ... ^^

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:03 AM

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Opps dear .. sorry wor... blog at 12.11 am because i was busy just now organising my paper... my paper were everywhere in my bag... i think it pissed val off sia.. lol.. all dragged me to popular to buy stationary... val revealed she like buying files... pink file... eeeee... lol.. anyway i buy a black and white file.. as usual ... black and white sia... cause currently those 2 are my fav colours... represent me also ah ... very neutral ...

buy a ruler and a eraser ... cause i think i lost somewhere again .. so buy again... this cycle never end ah ...

talking about my life... oh ya... today my artworkk kanna reject sia... need to add in something ... den pass up... but i lazy... tml den do...

tml 8.30 am school start sia... i have to wake up and 6 am .. 6 AM !!!!?!?!?! that is like SUPER EARLY LA !!!!!!!

I miss your beautiful smile ... 9:10 AM

Monday, July 27, 2009
Image and video hosting by TinyPic
i love this pic below... because the workers seem to be envy of my dear dear
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Cmon Gals, let shake, move and dance
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Help .. i am trapped sia
Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:26 AM

today is monday blue ..but i wasnt late at all. and you know wad, we later have a presentation on colour schemes ... initally we wan to be the first cause got 5 marks extra... but after that.. the melody grp take over all...hahaha... den val said she wan to be the last group to stun teacher because we got something that most of the group lack of .. lol... i was ok with it also...

Finally it is my turn already.. i was like abit scared but not so scared because i have tons of experience in poly alr... presenting in class is abit numb to me alr ... lol...Actually, i am more true to myself as i do not really rely on dear anymore... last time during presentation in poly, i would always push dear to present first... so he dnt really like to present with me... think i exploit him... lol

After that , after the communication skills, we go to Orchard with val , von to orchard ... the new shopping center.. no ion orchard... i dunno where... just go there and see the facade... it was like starry starry night.. it was beautiful... begin to appreciate things that envolve around me ...

Hahaha.. i didnt buy anything because i wan to save more $$$ ....maybe nx month probably... i will buy a few clothings .... von said i am ike wearing uniform sia... black and white...lol.... ^^

HEEHEES !! ok.. i buy new clothings sia ... lol

cya dear... although life in NS is hard, i will be always there outside to support u... i really hope u will pass ur IPPT... i know it is hard and u didnt know why each time u do... the worst u get... i also dunno also... but i believe i will see u in 3 months time for the POP....

I really hope and i really wished ... ^^ i love u dear !

I miss your beautiful smile ... 7:31 AM

Sunday, July 26, 2009
haha .. today he 4.45 pm got to book in le.. so i went to his house at ard 11 am... he isnt angry at all... first time sia .. if not last time.. if i go to his house late, he will be angry and wont talk to me for 15 min... until i coax him... den he okok ....

his mum cook for us .. :D den we eat together... feel like putting 3 candlelight in front of us sia... heehee... After eating, i go to his room and rest with him... hugged and sleep together... seriously believe me ... just as i am falling into deep sleep... i heard him snored.... and it was getting louder and louder... den i was like .. shocked and wake up by the snore... i cant fall back to slp and wake up... den called him up to wear his NS shirt ...at 3 pm.. help him dressed up ... put his cap on... and kissed him with the last goodbye..

i send him off to the bus stop.. he didnt wan me to send him off.. so i see him leave ...

den i take a bus home :(

so sad... Hope Time Files... to This Fri !!!!

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:04 AM

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Today i very guai lor... i wake up at around 8 plus to bath .. so that i can see my dear dear early .. ok.. so i go out about 9 plus.. reach dear dear house at around 10 plus... saw him outside his house polishing his boot... poor dear ... like become so tired suddenly .... but he is a miracle... ... his hair within 2 weeks .. like so many sia... lol .. like a botak alr ... like to touch it ... ^^
Botak man ! :)

He was busy reading his comics.. ask him to shut down and cam whore with me :)

you see you see.. ask him take pictures.. he always play a fool around
Oic botak.. stop chewing biscuit la
yeah .. this is the Funny pic you take sia ! :D

hahahah... i more pretty right ! heehees!

smile and the whole world smile with you, fart .. u stand alone.. so smile :)

i love to rest on my dear macho back... most comfortable :)

heeheeS!! Going to put all my weight on him

Seeseesee! Now know that home bed is the best right !
Oic , stop giving me that stare la ! :D
Opps.. XD .. Censor... Above 18
Me... cam whoring !
My face look more clearer now ! HEehees!
After that we went to buy something la... and den after that we watched the "murderer".. it was abit far stretched... i dunno how to explain.. but the murderer is not aaron kwoh... is the other person.. a twist in the story... u see le den u will know ... ridiculous rating : 4.5/5
After that .. we go and makan.. this is how my dear look like when he is eating :D by the way, my dear favourite food is "ban mian"
He like the soup :D
hope monday he can passed his IPPT ...GOD .. please bless my dear ! :D

I miss your beautiful smile ... 6:26 AM

Friday, July 24, 2009

so sweet.. when u see this video... yvonne is so sweet sia !

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:36 AM

see my headline, i am so happy today :) he be booking out in 30 min more ! at 8 pm !! lol... think he will be home by 10 pm... den he will wash his clothes... haha... i got hint his mummy not to lock off the computer room.. cause so long nv see him alr .. at least must see him in web cam.. ^^

So excitied ! Today tell u one thing... Finally , the Scenography project is finally been done !!!yeah,after so many nights of sleeping late,this project is finally done le !!yeah!! total is 22 slides... heehee..i dunno if we r the best, but we recognise our own effort....at least the project effort is equally shared among us ... no one is a Free loader.. that is wad i like man ! :) If we kanna those Free Loader,den those ppl will surely be dead under val hands ..lol..jk val...

finally asanka is back...every month for her seem like a disaster sia...she look so moody sia... hope she is alright bah after 7 days ..lol

ahhhhh...yvonne..our sweetie ... she said can post her video... i be doing it after dinner "D..

i am waiting patiently for dear dear return :) finally can see him alrr :)

treat me good wor.... ^^ he be calling me at 10pm?? hope so... i missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him missed him .......................

I miss your beautiful smile ... 4:28 AM

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Oh shit ... i forgot to blog on 20 july cause i was busy writting my notes and i forget all about it.. sorry wor

20 July
I went to school with asanka present ... the big fat minni.. it was so cute ... and passed it to her... she was like.. oh chris... i love u soooo much... lol... actually everyone play a part in chiping in to buy asanka bd... it was like so funny..

den von bring in her guiter to school to play a song for asanka.. although... it wasnt very smooth.. but the thoughts is like.. ahhh ... von.. u are so sweet to play to asanka.. i got video it.. but i too lazy to post it up.. i also ask whether she mind me posting he video to my blog.. but she don really agree.. so i didnt post ...

den after that ... i think got nothing interesting le... :) studying lor... didnt really do much... only discuss project with teacher and she said our presentation is quite good le ... just a little near to perfect.. ^^ no la.. i only exaggerate it onli la ..

den after that .. so tired... went home and write some notes

Then Today
22 july

After school... go to subway and eat.. actually is pizza hut de.. but asanka cash is not tt much :) so we changed location.. hmm, i am ok with it because i seldom eat subway.. didnt really know how to order so just follow val order... lol

After that chat chat and take some pictures... :)

After that , it was getting late and we went home :) Haha, next time should treat my dear subway.. it was really nice and good... esp the salty thin meat... it was just to my liking ... :)

It is really good... i wanna try it out again.. maybe on fri, i buy one for him... scare he hungry ... he last time wanted to eat subway long time ago le.. ok .. i buy for him... settled !


I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:49 AM

Sunday, July 19, 2009
today seem to be the hardest day to pass.. airen come to our house and have breakfast with us.. after that, my sis teach her English and she teach my sis 3D max... lol... :)

Den after that i was doing researching for colours... almost fall asleep... then val pass me the powerpoint and see if there is any more to add in or edit.. when i recieved the file, i quickly get on to my work already :) IT was boring but the process was fun... :)

I learn alot of things during researching :)

After that ... i finished my work at 10.20 pm... i think i spend quite a numbers of hours researching .. heehee.. that why ended finishing late lor ... :) hahahahahas!!

I already send in email to val alr... see if there is anymore to edit or add in... if not our project is done... total is 13 Slides la currently.

tml got to show jia lu... if not later she dono the progress of the powerpoint slides ...

Ok, dear sms today, although it was late.. it was a happy waiting .. at least no quarrel mah ... :) fri , he coming out !!! YEAH , i wan to fly over to meet him alr

hee hees !

I miss your beautiful smile ... 7:27 AM

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Today morning we quarrel again.. but after we are fine again. Well, i call his mum once... but she nv listen so i was alright ... den after that aunty call me and ask me about nic condition.. so i tell her the whole thing ... den she was very worried... you very bad lor... !! make ur mum worried like hell ... must tell u off, when u are back...
by the way, i was doing project with val and jia lu... of course , jia lu reach first ... lol... den i was like late for 3 minutes nia... val is late too.. lol... the nearer we stayed.... the possibility of being late is higher... dono why also ... lol ... ><>

den me and val eat at suki sushi at AMK.. our Favourites!she prefer saka sushi.. actually me too... but a bit exp... lol ><.. She love the red egg sushi and i like the tamago sushi..lol... ><>

We both order a big plate of salmon to share... in the end... i think we eat all the raw salmon.. except the rice... lol... we are too full and bloated alr ... lol !!
THis is what we order .... but we eat the top part nia ... :)
Our "Finished" product :) lol... so little right... 2 gals nia, cant eat much also
On the way back... saw this blue eyes cat .. she was sooooo beautiful... :)
That's the end of my journey... i am home le

I miss your beautiful smile ... 5:13 AM

Friday, July 17, 2009
Ya... Today after school... go mcd and slack with von.. go eat mcd until 6 .15 pm.. cause she is gg to a church gathering at jorong point... initally she ask me to accompany her to jurong point.. back think back like so far.. so i said let slack at bishan and eat smth at mcd..

Den after go library and borrow some books ... about colour books

After that , he sms at night ... around 9.30 plus .... he said he got only 20 minutes... den i was like yeah we can talk for 20 minutes alr ... But ended up, 10 minutes quarrelling ... damn ...

Waste time and breathe



I miss your beautiful smile ... 7:14 AM

Thursday, July 16, 2009
today i dont have the feel to blog because i am very tired ... and i am getting irritated easily... i have a summary of my day:

went to school early...
Eat at J8
Buy Present for asanka
Drink at Coffee Bean

don know why today just feel irritated... mum said nic wont appreciate it.. said i dont have to bother making the heart... when she said that... i get irritated.. as in i was really hoping he will know i at least got do something for him when he is in Ns... Although i dont seem to make my "heart" very nice.. but it is a token of love mah.. did my mum have to throw a bucket of cold water at me. ? said i waste money and he will have no time to see all this... he might be sleeping at home .. wa laoooooo....

Keep telling me is waste MONEY waste MONEY...

Haiz... she dont know i missed him alot.. den keep hurting me with her words ... :( ask her to Diam alr... still keep saying ... haizz.. sometimes i just think she dont understand me well.. she keep using her old times and old methods to teach me... I am not those NORMAL Girl ... who uses NORMAL method... haizz.....

Never mind .... it is ok...

DEar said he using pistol tml... hope everything is well... He sms me today.. den said i dont wanna talk is it .... i said... noooooooooooo! is not me lor....is him lor ... den he said i didnt say about myself .. lol.. wad to say about myself... besides saying i missing him badly ? :)

Wait for 9 more days .... Sibei Sian... but wait bah... den 24 july can go his hse and see him if he no confinement :) cause his camp got one case of h1n1... now all taking temiflu.... maybe see him lor... if he wan to sleep.. den ask him sleep lor... i do my work silently ... den he can go slp...

Ok .. byebye... tml is the Last Day of school... for this week ... HAHAHAHA

I miss your beautiful smile ... 7:51 AM

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Today as usual , go to school... den after the DP lecture... we arrange up for a discussion.. for the project.... I was almost going to sleep after 2 hours of discussion... lol.... Val was like suddenly turn quite quiet... Den jia lu... obviously wan to go home... she keep saying ... can we move on to the next stage... lol....

Den after that ... we went home ard 5 plus... it was sooooo sleepy but the work is never ending.... Everyday will have new assignment to do lor... sibei sian :(

Buy the deep heat for my dear... but i feel like using it first because my shoulder is very painful... haizz.. carrying too many things become very vex..... feel like buying a tortise bag.... my left shoulder feel so painful... :(

Ok... back to my project now...

Latest new from my dear.... Their Tekong... kanna H1N1.... :( Damn....
tired.... XD

I miss your beautiful smile ... 3:51 AM

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Today after i borrow book from library ... i went home straight.... wa liaoooo... guess what ... there is a BLACK CAT hiding behind my pinki and dirty bicycle.... And the Black Cat was like wanting to follow me home u know.. i was so freak Out ... Take my big black A3 size file ..and block myself in case he jumped on me..... Then i be ... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....

I think the black cat mistaken me as his owner... because i when i closed my door... i can hear the black cat meowing .. and scratched my door... it was like .. i pity the cat.. but i scare cat also... after that i peek alittle bit... guess what... it was waiting at my door.... but we scare to let the black cat in lei ...lol

After that ok... it was gone... and we see a master trying to hunt for something.. i think was his cat

Anyway , today in class presentation... our presentation is VER Very Funny..

Esp Asanka Part :D I Cant believe i actually push her to present her part... i mean i really PUSH .. Cause she scare of presenting ... lol... Sorry Asanka... i am so Sorry .... Will buy u a big Birthday Present when u return... Sorry Sorry.. lol

Dont blame me ... T_T

Ahh... and today was so funny.. my bf sms me at night and tell me the officers ask them to find earthworm on the Road... Road where got Earthworm????? Den ask them find scope tape... after that officers happy alr... den let them off...

I think those officers are nuts... if i see them.. i stare them hard.. !!!!! So Pissing off lor.. :( bully my nicnic baby !!!

cya !! :D

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:00 AM

Monday, July 13, 2009
Today still left 11 days.... tml is 10 days alr... haizzzzz....i am very tired to write today because i have a presentation tml... i very scared lei.... i scare we crew it u because it is hard to explain lor...

by the way... today i called dear dear and we talk for like 12-15 minutes ... Yeah finally i can hear his voice alr... i was like over the moon... now i am waiting for his sms.... i hope he will sms me tonight ... miss him alot alot and ALOT...

I know he will be out of field alr... and i am so afraid he cant take it ... i buy plaster for him... just in case he got cut or wad ... if mix with dirty soil, will kanna infected.. so i buy plaster for him first...

I think he need mosquito repeller bah... i be buying a small one for him.. and maybe listerine for him :)

and some massage rub which doesnt have the smell... he dont like those smell...

today is boring ... nothing interesting today lei...

HEHEE... i chat with my dear ... i m so HAPPY !!! :)

Left 11 days .... more... hang on there ...

I miss your beautiful smile ... 5:18 AM

Sunday, July 12, 2009
Dear... These Are all my Classmates... Let me introduce to u :

This is me and Asanka..She always like to be in the middle... :) I think she feel protected sitting in the middle... She is protected by me and val.. lol

From the Left is Yvonne,valerie,Asanka and me... Please ignore those 2 person in the background.. they are not supposed to be ruining our pic... T_T

Alright... This is harder to explain... Ok i try..
Starting At the Bottom from the Left hand corner are.. Andy,Bowei,Eugene,Su,Siamon..
Above... u should know who we are le...

Us Again... LOL... never get sick of cam whoring...

This is Us.... CAV.... where is the E?? oh she is shooting us la..

I Like this Picture ... Regarding of the soft light.... :)

I look like a mum ah... trying to protect my nest T_T
This pictures are taken 2 days ago... just that my friend... haven send it to me... :) Now i am posting up...

I miss your beautiful smile ... 9:04 AM

today i am soo happy.. i received 9 sms from him today ard 2 pm plus ... i wanted to off my phone to save battery de but suddenly.... "Ding Dong"... den i see who sms me ... is my "zhuzhu lao gong" I am sooo soooo happy.... he actually sms me... i guess i cant off my phone because he could sms me anytime...

And i have to apologised for my preview post ... i said he didnt update me ... cause i thought he can on his phone everyday at 9 pm for a while... but today he tell me that he cant on his phone .. if not confinement... ok... i rather Wait patiently everyday for his sms ... Actually now i am feeling fine and ok with the way this is... Because i had a good talk with his mummy... :) We actually meet up today at 11am at woodland... she wan to pass me a letter... :) Lucky i nv tell nick abt this letter cause i wan him to feel surprise that he can recieve love and caring from his loved ones..

hey baby, i also know that you sms to ben... u wrote :" i'm alive" ... i was =.- ... so bad... u knew ur mum will be so anxious... den u wrote that to ur young bro sms...i think your mum will prefer like :" mum, i am fine in my camp" lol... instead of I'm alive ... lol... U are in Jaguar Company... Wow .. Jaguar... it sound ike a tough camp.... i hope everything is fine for you... i got pray for you today :)

Although you tell me u fail ur ippt... but i know is because you are too tired and have alr used up most of ur energy.... nvm, try again...because you never know...i am sure you can do it...Make full use of your STRENGTHs.... i know where is your standard... and i alr know ...

i promised to buy woodland ban mian for you when u are out of camp during 24/7/2009.... :)

Dear Dear,
I am actually hanging on ... For you...
Actually i could have breakdown easily... i am a soft person...
Just For you, I hang on up till now ...
Whenever i missed you, i would research my memories of you ...
I am blessed with Full memories of you...

Of Course, my heart would feel alittle bit sting... and sour... i will keep bitting my lips and swollow the pain with my sailva ... But in the end, you have to know... I Love you too much ... :)

Anyway, i actually wanted to go to science center to see the Da vinci thing... but we go wrongly... we went to discover science center.... alot of things actually changed in there :)
I took alot of pictures and some stupid videos :)
I get so Excitied seeing this... i am imagine u in that outfit. :)
Salut to you
See the Bubble.... You have to do this everyday !!!! :)
byebye... :)

I miss your beautiful smile ... 4:49 AM

Saturday, July 11, 2009
today is saturday. My mum accompanied me to national library to do some reseach on my project... cause i dont really like to rely everything on internet... internet is easy to source, but if every people is dependent on internet.. imagine the possibility of similiarity ...

I manage to get some useful information.

ok, den went to illuma to catch ice age 3 ... the small little dino is sooooo cute ... :) i love the 3 dino.... :) lol

And den .. my sat is over... now i am at home writting my blog... recently i find out that i am sick ...

so imagine what is my medicine ???
is my work... i keep injecting myself with research/project/drawing... keep doing work everyday without fail... i dont rest when i am working... trying to occupied my mind with all my works..... dont wish to think of counting the days ...

Guess Who is the doctor??
well, i guess i am... i have to fix my health inside out ... i am the only person who can help myself ...

i dono will he sms or call me anot ... we haven talk since the day he went in to the tekong ... the total number of current sms is : 4 ... i am still counting ... i dono will he sms today anot ... haizzzz.....

i dont really wan to think too much already ..... i very tired of this ...
bless him.... the most dissapointed thing is i dont really know how his life is no matter how many sms i reply him....he didnt state in sms at all... i dono his life at all.... i am quite disappointed with the way thing is...

your monkey baby,

I miss your beautiful smile ... 5:23 AM

Friday, July 10, 2009
today is a bad bad BAD day for me, dear .... i am so forgetful lor... forget to take this and that to school.. lucky my sis offered to bring it to me because she was on her way out... if not she wont be so good to bring it to me de lor .. lol !!!!!!

During this 2 hours break, we take 13 to Amk to eat ... during that journey, i was sitting behind a ITE guy .. i dono who the hell was he... he was suer duper irritating lor... guess what.... initally he was playing S.H.E song ... i was okok.. cause free music mah... after that song, guess what he played.... he play the BUDDHISM CHANTING in the bus..loud....i was.... =.= very pissed you know... den i walked off from my seat ... and after that... GUESS WHAT !!!!!!! HE PLAYED THE GHOST HORROR EERIE LAUGHTER !!! AND IT WAS NOT LIKE ONE OR TWO... IT WAS CONTINOUS !!!

val and i feel so irritated and feel like KILLING HIM already... and then after that we go to val dad western food and eat ... i eat spag caborona.... uncle wanted to treat us ... but i think it is not that good cause i think must let uncle earn at least the Cost price of the meat ... and spag...

Cant take Free... it is weird :)

Hope dear can sms more than 3 sms today... ytd was only 3 sms nia .... :(

I miss your beautiful smile ... 5:25 AM

Thursday, July 9, 2009
Today is the first day dear goes to ns ...i sms him in the morning when i woke up... he didnt really reply me much... guess he was abit emo , or he cant fall back to slp... :( must learn how to adapt with ur life inside, officer might be harsh ... but dont worry.... u dont have to care about them... because after 2 years , all will passed .. and u will regained ur own FREEDOM...
Alittle Small Note From me :) :
-If Officer scold u for nothing, treat them like singing.... if you are too bothered by it , treat those officers like a pest.....den u feel that it is not really that bad...
- if you are harass by gays, tell me your troubles, dont keep all to yourself..
-if one day, u feel that you cant survive in there any longer, just tell yourself that your loved ones are outside supporting you.
- if one day u feel helpless, dont forget we will always be there to guide you back to a right path.
-dont lose heart, for our hearts still beat as one..
- Remember to call back home to report to your mum , ur mum is so worry about you.. call back home daily to tell your mum u are safe and sound.. dont let her worry... even if you dont wan to call me, u should call ur mum.. :)
Your Monkey Baby :D
my journey..
Today class started at 8.30 am, it was so early .... and i was feeling so tired ... almost falling asleep alr... having my DS ..... and i actually dont really think this teacher is good.... she dont know how to teach well... sometimes , she just throw the things to us nia.... den like :" Either u do it, or u fail... choose one" It was a pathetic choice ... so i choose to charge forward lor...
cam whoring ... hahhaha...both are in love already

Den accting.... =.- ......
den History ..................................... =.- i loathe history and i dont understand why ... i prefer geo... as in i live forward rather than backward lor...the teacher is good and she is very stern.. she keep scolding and scolding.. but her teaching is good... she know how to guide us .. :D
During a 10 min short break after one hr of lesson... i was resting ... and asanka wanna take pic..
Can i sleep ?? my stern history teacher....
Awake !!! Teacher wan us to focus on the another one hour before class end.. so Gambatek!!!!! i am alive again !!!!
after that, we went to bras pasah... the artfriends... i buy a black folder... $17 plus... because it was easier to hold...and my shoulder recently is very very bad... it aches painfully...i try to tilt my head to crack , but i just feel that my neck doesnt have much blood ... it was so painful... haizzzz... after that ....go home and beg my mum to help me massage my shoulder.... she help me with 30 min...it was better .... but it will came back again.... :( my mum help me rub my shoulder and she put the youko youko for me..... oh... it was PAINFUL !!!!!!!!!
she help me blew away the sting pain..... den after that, i feel better .. and i watch Tv... today had been a tired day ... dear dear at 9.40 den sms me... but all was quite short .... haiz ..... nvm.... as long as u report to ur mum that you are safe and sound, a sms or two sms is ok for me....
Muacks ! Loving you forever.. :)
Your Monkey baby

I miss your beautiful smile ... 7:59 AM

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
On Tuesday,

I went to dear dear house after my school ended at 3.00 pm... :) Going to his house probably took me about half an hour.. i do missed him when he go ns, but i just don wanna show... sometimes in life, i have to learn how to be strong in life whenever i am facing this situation. In my heart, i do missed him, i missed his laughter, his joke, his love , his concern , his caring and all those pieces and bits which make up of him.. he's completed in me :) I know he be away from my sight for 2 weeks, actually 6 months ago... i already tried to prepare myself for this ns thing already.. I Tell myself that he will be only temporary away from, after 2 weeks he be back from tekong ... So sad that he is in pes A, there is no way he can relax in ns there ... all this while , i haven been saying this to him..

Dear , i love you and i really do. I hope when u go in there , everything will go smoothly for u too :)that is my blessing to u and i will always pray for you whenever i visit the temple. :)
Ok, some memories of my dear... the Last picture of him before botak.
I drew him.. actually that was my school assigement.. :)

he poot poot

he was covering his pimples ...
Seeing the explode view of him ...

On wednesday (Today),
dear dear is going in tomorrow, i guess he cant sleep well... because everything is going to change starting from tomorrow... haizzzz.... i cant quarrel and bicker with him anymore... well, sometimes i like to te kan him.. if he angry, i am happy, at least he concern me :)
Anyway , today , me and my friends are cam-woring...
Taken in gal toilet

Valerine and asanka... :D we are VAC

We are VAC... Valerine/Asanka/Chris

Hahaha... Girlss !!!! Yvonne!!!

Yvonne where is ur the other face ... lol!!!!
Tomorrow he be gg in ard 9 am... i Love Him... Always ... :)

I miss your beautiful smile ... 5:43 AM

Friday, July 3, 2009
now everyday draw draw draw.... very tired...

You can see my eyes always in bloodshot nowadays... tired to the max.. after school still have to learn alot of things...den got homework to do... Lecturer not very good somehow.. but still ok... i mean they cant really teach well... but they know how to draw it well..

Anyway, i drew my dear human potrait.... almost got 70 % alike...
den the flower... okok la... 50 %
Chair.... haven drew yet =.= cause too strain on my eyes

Den today not very happy cause of small misunderstanding, then quarrel with my bf abit... haizzzzzz.... hope everything will be fine tomorrow lor... :(

sob sob :(

Tired and sad.... can anyone teach me how to wake my bloody eyes when i am tired??? :(

lol... :)

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:11 AM

Disclaimers ♥
Welcome To chrisnicko.blogspot.com

Love Me? I will Love you back
Hate me? 'Click Here' & SHOO! :D

Rippers are welcome to leave
NO to spamming ! No tagboard available... ^^
Chubby ♥
I'm a donkey from spain who loves to eat strawberries. ok, so im not a donkey, and i'm not from spain either, but i do love strawberries. they're very nice. but honestly, i'd rather be an animal that flies. Maybe....dunno. *shrug* mmms. ok i don't know what i am. i'm just me.

Craves,Loves,Hates ♥
craves :
a short holiday to Bali
clothings :]
hair treatment :]
pimples vanished:]
health improve :D
be happy with dear ;)
Loves :
my Bf(: Super junior
pan-kun & james ^^
Hates :
who blurge in front of you . ppl who abuse authority.
dont have alot of hates .. my life will be shorter

Gossips ♥

preferably from CBOX, but all other tagboards work here too

Runaway-s ♥
Your beautiful links here :]
Y.X.Q - Yvonne
The senior class for Manga - "FIGHT"
Manga Teacher
peishan (family)
poh khim-baobei(family)
pk shop 2
pk shop 3
cherlyn shop
Brazilian jiu jitsu Singapore
Fara Blogshop
Averine Blogshop
Poh Khim
GF- Xinyin ( dont bother trying to access unless u got the pw)

Credits ♥
Designer: Audiee-kewgirl♥
Bascodes : kathleen
image : enakei,photobucket
Brushes : Deviantart

Why did you leave me ?
I keep asking myself why .
But i just can't seems to get an answer . Different answers keep floating across my mind.
It's making me very sick.
I really miss you ...

Reminiscing ♥
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010