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Friday, January 30, 2009
Today is a boring and irritating day with Course Manager. His speech was as boring as hell and the slides he made was damn plain. It was not interesting for me because it was really BORING and DULL ><. lol...

After that , i was still confused.. so dear had a talk with me ... He told me not to give up my IBT Engineering course totally. Since i am with Engineering course, i need to have a real time experiences with one of the organisation. Giving up Engineering totally is a waste , cause it will mean i have wasted 3 years of my education. Dear said :" Give yourself a chance, try to find a engineering job first ... worked for minimum 6 months first and see how about it." It will be possible for me to understand after 2 months whether i loved my current job anot .if i dont really like the job that i am in, try to look for a part time design course ... cause you never know the trend in the future market ???

maybe one day , i can combine engineering and design together . But right now , i will still focus on my engineering first before flying off to part time interior design course . Cause i need money first before i can think of anything.

So right now, my plan :
1. Find a job

2. Try it out for 2 months

3.if i find it ok, continue it. After 6 months ,den i will go for part time interior design in inspiration design school.

4.if i really dont like the job within 2 months, i will sign up for night classes part time interior design.

I miss your beautiful smile ... 4:24 AM

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Recently , i seem to drop of hairs due to all my worries about my future .. it was really tough for me to hang on from Year 1 to Year 3 of intelligent Building Technology. I do not really enjoy Engineering that much, but i do not have a choice that time. My L1R4 is 21 . That day, i was crying so sadly but i couldnt do much to change my 'O' Levels results . I invested time and youth in my 'O' Levels but it turn out to be fruitless. Well , what past has gone, now here come the future.

In year 1 , i didnt really hate my IBT cause i find it very excitied to learn lots of things.

In year 2 , i started to fret because it was getting a little bit tougher due to java , microcontroller... and more programming stuffs. I started to doubt myself whether am i able to cope further .

Alright, everything goes peacefully until i reach year 3. Year 3 make me realise one thing,i have no interest in this Course. i find it hard for me to do technical works when i dont really like to fix things or 24 hrs stand by desk work. I am an outgoing person, i likes to walk and work concurrently. That's what i am. I am a active person although i seldom pick up sports.

I force myself to carry on with this IBT during this past 3 years. It wasnt motivation that keeps me going , it was the Marks and grade that keep me going. I knew my path was wrong, but i cant return . Therefore , i keep on walking to the path of nowhere.

Until 2 days ago, Uncle ask me questions which prompt me to think what i really wants... Go For It... Go for the things you likes...from young, i love to draw...

drawing allows me to become a different person. When i am fully immersed into my drawing, i can draw and draw without drinking nor eating until my mum scolded me ... den i go for a bite. Whenever, i closed my teary ears, i think of beautiful things surrounding me..i think of new and creative things ... birds,butterfly,nature going into my head... ideas just flow in without stopping..

Should i take a course more into design? i been thinking for these 2 days ...

what do i really wants ?
what do i really likes?

When with my path be opened ?
let me listen to my heart once, just for once..

I miss your beautiful smile ... 2:01 AM

ahhh, chinese niu year is finally here ... damn busy taking ang pow la... lol... den we wear very very nice clothings and take nerd pictures together ... lol ... hahahahaha

Let pictures do the talking.

me with the housefly spec...

My Little cute cousinss !!

uhoo... we are les (>"<)

I miss your beautiful smile ... 1:00 AM

Sunday, January 25, 2009
today i tot is only 3 temples to visit ... however , it turns out to be 5 temples.. oh my god... we go out from 7 plus to 12 am... i am just starting to get blogging at 12.40 am... gosh.... Alright, and i did a SINFUL thing today ... first time , i broke my record of eating 2 small bowl of vegetarian noodles at 11.59 pm.. /_\ oh gosh .... i am down right SINFUL . i didnt know 12 am already and i am eating happily ..... i am definitely going to gain some grams.... lucky it is vegetarian .... ah ni duo fuo.... ah lei lu ya... if meat, i am going to die of FATS...

i am very sad lor.... lol... /_\ anyway , today has abit of quarrl with my mum again lor. i find out that our generation gap is getting wider and WIDER .. u know... she ask me what i pray for... den i said : " basic stuffs la, hope 2009 after graduation can get myself a good job.... etc.... " den she said:" you never pray for you NTU " den she start to make a hell out of noise because of this ... i said " are you really depending on god to give you the answer" she like damn piss off and ask me not to drag the god in...

wad the =.=

den my sis started to explain the whole matter to her in a nice way. i guess our zodics really crashed ... CNY eve quarrel, what the heck...

i was trying to say that i wanted to get my job and furthermore i can gain more experiences in work which is related to my related diploma course .. experiences is very important to me, to me.. i feel that i miss a chance of working outside because i do not have a intership attached during my 3.1.. i feel so lose out to other people who got great opportunity to see more and learn more things.

I really think in this way.. furthermore, i will not stop at diploma because i knew that in this society , it required more innovative and challenging employees to fulfill the task...maybe my diploma now will last me only 2-3 years, but as the years extend ... more innovative and creative fresh graduates are going to join the same ind as i ... i will also lose out. I need to hone my skills well....upgrade myself continously .... in order to "survive". what i means is only the basic " survive"

Beside i set a target for myself, i wan to make a name for myself and i want people to recognise my skills and ability and also to gain respect from people regardless of their desigination. I dont believe yelling at people who are slower will motivate their inner self. Unless you are capable at something, if not i will only regard you as a employees in the industry. I believe at encouraging , praising will motivate people to really move on ... basically that is what i feel , it may not be the same as what you feel ... it is based on individual.

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:40 AM

ahhh, i got a petstation in face book... very fun la .. but my com keep lagging like hell.... damn... den the race i keep losing ... sob sob.... haha ... anyway, i "print scrn " my pet to let u all see.... my first pet is called " Ms . Genius" lol... waht a wacky name lor .. Be sure to greet me when u see my pet.... :D
Ms . Genius .... LOL

I miss your beautiful smile ... 1:58 AM

Friday, January 23, 2009
Now i am going to test out the WARLOCK i have chosen out from so many characters in WOW .... hehehehe..... so here i go ...


I miss your beautiful smile ... 10:53 PM

Finally today is the day to pass up my FLSM work. yeash . Ahhhh, Doesnt feel the mood of chinese New year. It doesnt live the spirit even though it is like 2 days away. Cus i knew that after the Good days of Chinese New year , plenty of works will rush in immediately....

Like TBP test and 2 TBP assignments
TP career fair
IDSI Interview
CCOM interview
Job Interview with CPG.

Aiyo, all these things are going to come all at once and it like.... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..................

Let me DIE off in TP. I wan to hunt TP forever lor.....

Let me relax for this 5 days .... Sob .. after this , i be back to square again.. Work like a " COW" this yr ... This Year is really a "COW" year because all of the Singaporeans have to work like a BULL .... and the Salary you cant expected to be much..


I miss your beautiful smile ... 3:22 AM

Thursday, January 22, 2009
ALright, today is FLSM fever day. I feel so sick because teacher always tell us how to do at the very last minute. He like taking revenge because we nv go for his lecture.. aiyo...den now, i got to rush like hell lor... just hope that i will graduate soon.. sob... i have to type damn long essay ... so sick lor... i guess lots of ppl cant slp tonight alr lor...

I ask teacher to xtend the deadlines but he said "CANNOT"

alright... hope i can have a good slp and dream tonight ... sob sob .

I need a good rest and a good hug ... :D

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:17 AM

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
i was called as a " heartless woman" by my beloved dear .. and was being called 4 times. Well, i watched at my tagboard , stupfied. Hey, why am i considered a heartless woman... u heartless man.. i am a girlfriend cum secretary cum maid....u still said i no good no good... i know my attitude will changed when i am hungry ... i am seriously sorry. I know this is my fault . sorry..

Haiz..i am not heartless alright ...if i heartless, i wont even care to blog this ... hng...ok la, since you said i am heartless, i help you massage lor...as my punishment. Alright? can a not... ??!?

well, i know you want me to play WOW. but i prefer to play SIMS 3 lei... haha ... i like to see the expressions on the SIMS .. it is cute .. but i know i cannot buy because i am penniness. i think we should choose another game which u and i like... u know... hehehehehe....

i guess what i can do is to research another character for you since ur CAT is very lously in WOW ... hahahha

i Just See and look ...

I hope i choose the COrrect Character.. even if not good, Dont Blame me. .wor


after researching for long, i still think that warlock is the best although he is the shortest.... well... like me.. i am short. THey are able to convert health to mana ... cool ...

Warlock History ..
Warlocks are masters of the dark arts, devoted to furthering their understanding and use of Shadow and Fire based magics, along with the summoning of demons, who exist within the Twisting Nether. They initially appeared on Azeroth during the First War, when Gul'dan, the first of their kind among the invading orc clans of Draenor, led the Horde across the dimensional gulf through the Dark Portal while in servitude to the Burning Legion.WRPG 95 WoWRPG 62-63 Warlocks are used as damage dealers, but can store the target´s soul to resurrect him or heal himself by draining enemy's life. The warlock can summon an Imp without a Soul Shard. However, other demons require a soul shard or other reagents to be summoned.

I like the undead warlock sitting on the horse ... the undead warlock.... :D

I miss your beautiful smile ... 1:33 AM

Monday, January 19, 2009
One week More , Chinese New year gonna Arrive very soon. Think going for one day lor.. cause go to other relatives house quite sian lei... lol.... wanna go out during chinese new year.. yipee

wishing all people who read my blog..


I miss your beautiful smile ... 1:10 AM

Friday, January 16, 2009
Today , i put aeroplanes with dear .... cause i am disconcerted .... alright ... Sorry sorry lor ...

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:24 AM

yo yo yooo... tomorrow i be shopping for chinese new year clothing.. yeah, i am happy to do so ... i be shopping at bugis first follow by cityhall... anyway chinese new year is like only 2 days only... so i wont buy so expensive one de la... i dont really see the need... lol

Hope i can find suitable clothings tomorrow... haha ... and today i am so busy and stressful... Damn , FLSM is really hard to find... it is like really really idiot ....

sob sob.... hope rainbow will come tomorrow .. :D

I miss your beautiful smile ... 6:49 AM

Thursday, January 15, 2009
cold , Cold , COLD , COLD , COLD

I miss your beautiful smile ... 3:34 AM

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
times are going bad
i am going to be busy busy and busy

lots of projects are rushing over my head

And i am going to be freeze to death soon if th wind didnt stop tml...

If Dear seen this msg,

I want warm warm Zara Jacket over my shoulders, and with your heat covering me..... (ah choo)

I miss your beautiful smile ... 3:56 AM

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Alright, everybody is undergoing a process called : Emo-ing

My 2 little cousins getting a little bit Emo-ing after reading their blog but i gt one conclusion : they are serving the Army after graduation . Ohhed and ahhed .... hahahah... nah for me, i dont wan to join army.. if can , i will go NTU or NUS ..if my GPA was not good enough , den well, i gt no choice but to work first... however, i will not really remain on one stop... after i got the money i needed , i will upgrade myself continuity ...

First, Promotion .
Secondly , Upgrading of knowledge.
Third, to open my social network

That is what i am planning to do. First to start off, i learn to be independent. Actually, i wasnt trying to be dependent on you, is just a that later you say i never consult you wadever shit. I dont wanna get this unneccessary quarrels that strain on our relationship. Anyway , the days to depend on you is not getting any longer because you will soon enroll to National Service . So why pick a fuss on that ? If you are in , i be Out to work. I got 2 years of training after u been enroll , and you have 2 yrs training to become more discipline and rational . After You are out of these 2 yrs, i believed you will know whether you wanna be in the Police Force.

Well, to be Any Kinds of working environment involves "hurting" each other. Like i believed everybody has heard of " office politices" ... police aims to deter threat and stablise singapore safety. if you wants to do thing that you really likes , please do so .. rather than you keep thinking of things that havent occurred yet.

Actually what i really likes is to be in a environment where i will be able to have learn lots of things from a capable boss and elite collegues. Any work is fine for me , except construction works...by bagala-dash. I also prefer to give innovation ideas that could stimulate teenager minds in the market so as to boost the economy. Kind of crappy . but that is really what i likes.. i likes people to be happy with the design we( XXX Company) made out for the them.

If people smile and comment on our design,
That's the BIGGEST COMPLIMENT i achieved . :)

I am Serious.
Not kidding.

I miss your beautiful smile ... 2:04 AM

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Alright ... Final Conclusion :
Dear is so thrilled when he talked about his mum vomitting ... oh my god.. no wondr aunty today said to : " Dont stay close to nic"and hung up the phone immediately. Wad the ???!! now i understand cause she was sick too

Dear's Mum , dad and bro SICK........

Oh god ... it hits the climax... last time when i was down stomach flu, i am able to recover within one day ... his was like one whole week ... pretty serious ...

Oh well , May God bless Us ..... ah lei lu ya

I miss your beautiful smile ... 6:57 PM

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
alright, today dear dear never come to school because he faced complications in his condition. Poor dear , next time he cant go to yuki sushi again. This order is going to take effect by today , NO ENTRY TO YUKI SUSHI. it caused you to suffer so much, i bet u dont even have time to go internet and play game. Maybe you will suffer alot yesterday, but i guess today after the fever today, ur health condition will improve by 30 % . That is a good mark to start off. Congrulation. You aint going to die, u going to recover by 3 more days . Right now, take more rest .. sleep more and dont worry too much on unneccessary thing.

DearDear , Get well soon ok. May god bless that you will win the bug by the end of tonight. You can do it .! Honey support you... :)

Anyway , today i am quite quiet cause dear was not accompany me. But anyway, i learn more from tbp tut teacher cause i am so busy with my own world. I am attentive in my work . After that teacher ask us to try out this website to find out how sensitive our hearing is.

Go to http://www.freemosquitoringtones.org/

mine range is at 17.5 . teacher said she very sad cause she is single and she is around 20 plus but when put to test , her actual hearing is around 30 plus. LOL, den teacher let us try in class... sia la , debbi can try most of it sia , but she said to nevin:" wa lao, i mostly hear loud music but my hearing is better than you." Cause nevin hearing is the same as teacher. It is very irritating, cause it is like "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...."

Den i try it out with my mum, she is at 49 years ear .. my dad well is going to 50 already .. but he said he hear very faint....

Try it out, no harm!

I miss your beautiful smile ... 6:16 AM

Monday, January 5, 2009
Anyway, today i think dear kanna food poisoning due to the abnormal stuffs he had ate during the recent outing with his friends, pretty bad condition..
Well, if you still feel miserable, rmb to cook an egg, unshell it, rub it over chest until the egg cool down. Rmb to do it.. if not u will suffer ever more.. i caught this bug before, i know.. Tml , by all means it take, rest rest and REST ... There is no cure for Stomach flu except resting... after stopping the vomiting, you might feel like going to the stool.... for every half an hour.. it is normal...
After that, ur eating habit will decrease, you wont feel like eating much for a week. This is normal, dont be scare... :D You can eat agar agar first, den slowly to solid food... :D Dont worry about me tml about leaving me alone, i am a big girl now, i know how to past my time with a book that i am reading right now... you should take more Ample REst... Guai Guai ok ? kiss kiss .... muack... :D I love you..
Today i came across this bowl of rice which seem a little bit unique. It seem like a seat with rice resting on it... look pretty cool anyway so i just snap it.. :D
After that sis went up to foot the bills, but find out that she cant use nets. so no choice, sis got to walk up to the nearest atm machine to press for money.... pretty bad time, isit ?
Therefore i begin my journey of zi lian kuang again

I miss your beautiful smile ... 9:03 AM

Sunday, January 4, 2009
Today is a spring cleaning day for my whole family today.. dad was clearing the store room because he smell something that really turn bad.. it was decomposing smell .. but we didnt know what was it .... it was stinko to hell, after rummaging the store room, he found out that a lizard was found dead near the door.... wosh... it was so flat and dry .... i couldnt believe my eyes man...
After that , dad found some pictures of us when we were just a kid... i didnt know i was a truely monkey when i was young...
HAHAHAHAHA ... me with a cup...

Aint i cute when i was young....
me hugging a big vase
I am so Pretty lor
my mouth is opening damn wide
me and my sister... i look so nerd..
tt my mummy when she was 30

I miss your beautiful smile ... 1:32 AM

Saturday, January 3, 2009
Today go to SSC and buy some stuffs before going to SP. Hahahaha .... walk walk walk from SSC to sp took me about half an hour ... no kidding ....and i walk at a rapid pace but still like very slow... HAHA...

Alright , went to AMK hub to have our pepper lunch... yummy.... it is nice! :D Haha ... i cant stop eating .... today spend alot of money lor.... hope sis will return my money to me on monday after she get her paid .... ahhh..... =.= sobb....

Now dear went to eat steam boat with his friends... must be yummy yummy wor .... hahhahaha .. dono he got cook ice cream anot ? lol.... nvm ... give me a tag and tell me when u are home ... alright dear...

congrulation ! u got a new handphone.. well dont be emo about it ..... lol ...

I miss your beautiful smile ... 5:55 AM

Friday, January 2, 2009
i am young and easy to be hoax
whenever i m pissed,
just give me a vanilla cone ice cream
and i be alright :)

I know my character ..
i know my habits
I Know my Crazyness
I know my idiotness
I know my shortcomings

But i Dont Know my goodness in me

Today I know.....

I am easy to be hoax...
By a


....... =.=

I miss your beautiful smile ... 6:52 AM

Disclaimers ♥
Welcome To chrisnicko.blogspot.com

Love Me? I will Love you back
Hate me? 'Click Here' & SHOO! :D

Rippers are welcome to leave
NO to spamming ! No tagboard available... ^^
Chubby ♥
I'm a donkey from spain who loves to eat strawberries. ok, so im not a donkey, and i'm not from spain either, but i do love strawberries. they're very nice. but honestly, i'd rather be an animal that flies. Maybe....dunno. *shrug* mmms. ok i don't know what i am. i'm just me.

Craves,Loves,Hates ♥
craves :
a short holiday to Bali
clothings :]
hair treatment :]
pimples vanished:]
health improve :D
be happy with dear ;)
Loves :
my Bf(: Super junior
pan-kun & james ^^
Hates :
who blurge in front of you . ppl who abuse authority.
dont have alot of hates .. my life will be shorter

Gossips ♥

preferably from CBOX, but all other tagboards work here too

Runaway-s ♥
Your beautiful links here :]
Y.X.Q - Yvonne
The senior class for Manga - "FIGHT"
Manga Teacher
peishan (family)
poh khim-baobei(family)
pk shop 2
pk shop 3
cherlyn shop
Brazilian jiu jitsu Singapore
Fara Blogshop
Averine Blogshop
Poh Khim
GF- Xinyin ( dont bother trying to access unless u got the pw)

Credits ♥
Designer: Audiee-kewgirl♥
Bascodes : kathleen
image : enakei,photobucket
Brushes : Deviantart

Why did you leave me ?
I keep asking myself why .
But i just can't seems to get an answer . Different answers keep floating across my mind.
It's making me very sick.
I really miss you ...

Reminiscing ♥
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010