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Wednesday, December 31, 2008
alrite, today is 2009

but it seem normal

just rebond, dye , and do treatment to my frizzy hair ...it a little bit untidy in 2008.

my cousin, ps accompany to do her hair too. she did a full treatment and chop her fringe. well, i am happy with the fringe still. not many frizz but coming new hair soon la ... but at the same time, i dont wan my hair to look like a big nerd.. so i just leave as it is..

well, dye it all chestnut.. now colour very clear that it is brown , not half brown and half black... look very weird .. u know...

well , called dear to wish him a happy new year at 12 am, alrite nobody pickd up the phone. okay , dont wish to disturb his parent. dono where he is without a phone, well... nothing to comment about .... serious ...

alright , here is my wishes :
- Be happy
- Be joyful
-Be independent
-Be gracious
-Be Compassionate
-Be Pretty
-Be helpful
-Be ..... Anything...

Bye , hope everybody will have a nice and perfect 2009 new year day :) It is really hard to come by , from 2008 to 2009... we faced economic recession, faced lots of man-made disaster .. well , hope 2009 will washed away all the bad stuffs ... bye 2008 , Welcome Abroad 2009 !

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:33 AM

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
I starting to like " left 4 dead"

but i am also stating to loathe " world of warcraft"

initially , i dont really hate wow... but now i do ! Haiz, i dont know how to express myself....but i just simply loathe thing that shines more than me. i am serious, i feel abit being the mistress and wow being the madam of the house. she was always being the first to be think of. I dont wan anything to be split by two . i wan things wholeheartly belong to me ... serious.. if time management is good, maybe we should try it out.

Haiz.. enjoy ur wow ....

I miss your beautiful smile ... 3:18 AM

Sunday, December 28, 2008
i loathe my life TOTALLY...

I loathe MAMA = ( Mother Are Monster Army )

they are unreasonable and they think they are always right .. loathe it...

okay, it goes like this:
mum and dad went out to pray after we makan our breakfast. Okay , den after that, they come back and mum complained she was hungry. Okay, dad said:" he didnt want to go out" . dad plan to cook maggi mee for us, mum said not healthy.... said she wan to go outside and eat... but dad keep saying he don feel like going out after he reach home. He ask me want to eat maggie mee a not , i said :" ok".... Dad ask sis , sis no answered .

After that , you KNOW what???????????????????????

Mum said it is my FAULT... i said : " what ??? why is it my fault ?" in a harsh tone. she exclamined because i didnt said i wan to go out and eat.. if i did , dad would bring the whole family out. WHAT THE HECK IS THIS ? now it became my fault. I ask her to do some soul searching because she point her fingers at me. IT is simply ridiculous. .. alright... she said dad gave me $60 for my bd , but never gave her and elder sis. FUCK, I ASK FOR IT DE LEI....

now EVERYTHING ALSO BLAME ME... never go outside and eat also blame me..

i am PISSED =.=

I miss your beautiful smile ... 3:19 AM

Saturday, December 27, 2008
Today is my 20th birthday . We went to suntec city to eat and have our breakfast because we were hungry like a zombie already. lol... den eat eat eat, it was nice and crispy .. but because i was having the menstruation, it was very irritating . My bottom was very heavy.. sians... :( lol

then we went to walk around , and go shopping around ... actually i wanted to buy jean and shorts, but damn it lor, not a very good time to try ..scare i stain their shorts and jeans den sian lor.... so only walk around .... den play some games and lan

hahahha..... after that we got nothing to shop already... den papa called me and sing a birthday song to me... lol .. anyway , dear also sing in my ear ( so elated :) ) lol... Happy birthday to me .... i am 20 le, got to be mature and independent on oneself. :) after that, our "whole" family , which included my dear as well... went in to suki sushi and makan .... lol.... we ordered food until $94 ... hehehehe .... anyway,mummy gonna give me hongbao... tml... hehehe
Happy birthday to me :)

I miss your beautiful smile ... 6:33 AM

Thursday, December 25, 2008
i'll be steping into 20 tomorrow... 19 will say goodbye to me.. sob... no... i am afraid of old actually... haha ... i hate to see the changes in me , especially you see yourself in the mirror and find out that you have wrinkles on your eyes there... yuck... hate that...i arrive at the year of 1988.. it seem pretty far from 2008 ...

20 years apart, and ytd ( merry christmas) was the most idiotic thing i ever had in my life. it was pretty insulting to me.. well , i dont know how other people think of it but it sound pretty idiotic and frastruating... yesterday , me,sis and mum was compelled by my dad to attend his " merry christmas" gathering. well, my dad didnt used a gun and point at us , but as a child , i didnt want to upset my dad feelings. Each time we went up, we felt like a totally strangers.... nobody will talk to us.... leaving us there like a puppet.... i hate to be there, seriously speaking... if not for the sake of my dad feelings, i wouldnt go up at all.i dont care what people say bad things about me, because i knew what am i doing. okay , as i said .. nobody talked to us ( me.sis.mum) so we go to a sofa .. sit together and sleep ...

When my dad announce that we were leaving, we were pretty excitied... Our heart is jumping with joy... before we leave my third uncle house.. we recieved "presents" which were really unneccessary actually....

first, 'A' gave us ( me.sis) "AUSTRALIA" purse and 'A' emphasised on the brand. 'B' gave sis a perfume and got me a cinderalla keychain .okay why me a cinderalla keychain? i may look small and young cause due to my height but my mindset is consistently changing to the adult type. i don wan childish items , like cutie keychain , teddy bear ... i bet 'B' dont even know my age.... and my identity ... the wrapper wrote : " To Hwee Zhen" when did my name changed to Hwee Zhen , it show more of a stranger relatives to me... and my sis name was right . To : huixian " it really insulted me.... seriously...

what a stranger relatives we have .... i really loathe them alot... i dont like to pretend that we are relatives... for the sake of my dad, move on buddy .... :(

anyway, happy birthday to me... for tml ...

I miss your beautiful smile ... 9:58 PM

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
I jus find out 20 min ago in my friendster that shuhua is single... i didnt know about it .. that explain why she never appear or find me after our last outing.. hope she be alright after her depression period... hey gal, dont be sad okay..... i gave u my support alright...

jia you gal...

you be blessed by santa claus.

now it make me feel so terrible to have a distant relationship. cause they just started their r/s not long and her bf go to oversea to work... but why have this ending? it is really ..... down.. u see... i wish happiness to shuhua because she is a nice gal... but i dono what happen to her... she is like avoiding people .... sms me to say to say you are alright... :) den everything will be fine. Me and dear are quite lucky because as you know couple will have different ideology everyday in life.... we sometimes qurral but we are back together because our heart is there .... when a person is sad, the other party wont feel good either ... that is what i feel... that why i said .. i believe hua also wont feel good also.. this is natural ....

that why i always feel that gods still loves me... he hasnt forsaken me ... i know my blur and sotong character ... not many ppl can endure... so i believe dear is the angel that god send to me .... thank god and merry christmas.

I miss your beautiful smile ... 9:32 AM

Today is Christmas EVE.

but i am a JINX myself today...

Haiz, today dear and i went to amk hub to buy one honey baked chicken and black pepper chicken at $ 4.30 ( christmas sale ) and dear also buy a wine at $ 13 plus, so costly right. Dear also bought me a orange breezer at $ 4.50 ... cause i ask for it.

ok .. then after that ... i was walking around thinking it would be good to have a chicken also....to go along with the alcohol...den i ask dear to sell me one chicken but he said he need two ... ok ....

after that we go khabit NTUC and want to buy a chicken but it cost $6.95 ... then i told it was a rip off... so i never buy .. den we go to sun plaza .. and it cost $ 6.10 ... and i think maybe a normal chicken is around tt price... i wanted to buy one for tomorrow christmas.. and you know what ... when i ask for one, they ask me to wait for onr hour more.... dear was like..... pissssed....... den we go to next supermarket at sembawang also... but dont have....

okok, dear was really pissssssssssed..

we go to the new open sembawang shopping centre... and finally bought a pepper chicken at $ 5.95...

this chicken bought us lots miserable......cause it rain heavily at night

I miss your beautiful smile ... 3:10 AM

Monday, December 22, 2008
today we go to E2 Max to play lan, the latest game called "left 4 dead" for 3 hours.. it was freaking fun..... i am always the one to shoot at my teammates and startled the witch...... kanna rape by the witch ... damn..... and plus the hunter and the tongue love my dear..... they always attack him... hahah ... i always get the lowest mark because i am always behind.... i also did a silly thing, i always shoot at the zombies feet... and i don know why at all......my gun always aim down...... silly me!! wish to go back there and play again.... next time.... :)

den we go to vivocity ...

and eat ....

den it was supposed to be my treat, but in the end dear paid for the dinner... feel damn guilty lor..... i didnt mean to... nx time round, it gonna be my treat..... course dear said i like hide $50 hidden a place, den it was a very sad scene .... lol... so he paid for the dinner...

see how nice my dear adore me.... he cherish me like a gem.. muack....so i was thinking to be a sticky gum to stick to him now.... although i am very heaty and my breath smell like a dear zombie... my lips is hot and dry due to the wan wan i eat yesterday... sad lor... sorry lor.... hng.... =.=

I miss your beautiful smile ... 7:19 AM

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Today i sm sarting mu inking technique , it is really hard. Looking at comics book and seeing the way the way they drew is amazing, but when i try to do in on my own, it suck........ it is damn hard... it like in martial arts world, sword and you are being one. The slogan is the same . You have to be soft , bold and soft.... it is really hard to explain. But you have to do it until it accomplished ur task. Dont give it up easily, christinyn. For the sake of your OWN comics.... and your interest ...DETERMINATION !! just like the tortoise.... kambatek !!!


That all .. Oh ya , my bd is arriving in 5 more days .... counting down to it... wahhaha.... !!~~ :D

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:07 AM

Friday, December 19, 2008
Hi everybody.... Finally , the Time has ARRIVED .

12.00 am . 20th Dec 2008 .

The launching of my 小布龟
Please look out for more information at 'midget-arts.blogspot.com'
The cover might not look interesting. But..
Dear and i Have contribute ideas to achieve 小布龟 comics story ... Look out for more. ! THANK YOU!
Copyright in 2008 by christinyn Ng -小布龟

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:58 AM

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Today i am celebrating dear's birthday, although there is no birthday cake or wishes , but we have a super full lunch at pizza hut .... hahaha ... sry , for no wishes today for you, dear....

therefore, i shall make it into a international message , just for you... ( hehe, i shy shy already lor)

To Dear,

thank you for being there for this past 2 years , it is really hard to come by.. especially something we 3 days , one big fight...2 days , i small fight.... of coz sat and sun , rest la... lol..... This is the second time i am celebrating your birthday with you, and i feel so happy about it ... although my face doesnt show it, but as long as you are being there with me just for that few seconds, everythings seem to be happy and smiling. Trees are smiling, movies are smiling , foods are smiling and even the things we touch and see are smiling ...

My wishes for you is being broadcast in the air by 93.3 Fm.... hope you can happen to hear it.. or you can see their blog... :) i wish you to be happy always when you are with me , dont wish for a bicker .. wish for some beautiful touch of love.

Holding teddy bear was not as good as holding you.... at least you squeak... lol.... i love you always , dear ....8 years down the road, we will walk down the aisle . we see more golden days to come.....

Happy birthday to you... dear ... i love you, muacks ..!!



I miss your beautiful smile ... 6:48 AM

Monday, December 15, 2008
Hi everybody,

it is me, christinyn.

it;s been a long long time since i write something to my blog.

well, i have a announment to make !

( haha ...)

i will refurnish my "midget-arts.blogspot.com" once again.

And this time , please look out for the latest news of my new tortoise character design during 20th Dec 2008.

I need your support greatly to improve on my artwork as i be doing this solo without recieving aid from anybody.

This is partly done due to my interest in drawing and hobbies.

please add comments to my tagboard to keep my character alive.

Do support 'midget-arts.blogspot.com' !!

Thank YOU

I miss your beautiful smile ... 9:13 AM

Thursday, December 11, 2008
Song by Liang Wen Ying - The happiest time

lyrics on the way .....

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:20 AM

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Sister's Graduation Today :D
u hoo ~~~~ it is time for graduation !! anyway today paper is erm okay, aiya, dont think le .... age faster ! .. lol

Today was damn crowded , especially during the buffet time , people are chiong there like hungry ghosts .. wahhahaha ... anyway , pictures speak a thousand words...
When we enter ... the Ball......
I took a picture of myself before facing the people..... they were DAmn Tall , and i look So petite in there .....
I really like this poster alot...... it is really cool in my eyes
Then after that , sis go up to her friends and chat for a damn long time ...Me, nic , mum , and dad were really bored because we knew no one at the ball... so never mind , we (chrisnicko) started our bickering again to stimulate the atmosphere.....
My silly sister
Den we go to other place and sit... too bored anyway .....
The design is really good ....
Kanna Forced By dear .. trying to forced ourself for " Wrinkles" ?? !!?!?

Nerd face
oic you.... stop aiming at my nose

Punch you to the air ...
Ah bishhhhhh ... haha
We went in to the BALL ..... Sister is there to take the cert ... i wasnt able to capture the whole moments because me and nick were to eat .... HUNGRY.... sorry sister....
The stage to collect the cert !!

The whole process wasnt captured =.=... give me a good wack ! :(
Our family portrait...
i fake fake with the cert... hahaha
cheese ..... !!
fake with the cert again !!
Sister and her Friend .... :D

Time for CRAZY photos again !
Look cool right ... lol

What is that ghost hand ?

Me and sister with a christmas tree behind

me and dear with a christmas tree behind

second shot

The Ending pose... and night everyone at the ball

I miss your beautiful smile ... 5:53 AM

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Tomorrow will be a better day.

It is Sis big day , her advanced diploma graduation day !! Woo hoo... ~ after that she be pursuing her DERGREE.... hahaha .... anyway , i already buy for tomorrow big day clothing .... kinda expensive .... $ 60 plus ... got to faster earn back and return the debt..... since papa like not going to pay for it .... sian... lor.... so realistic dad .....

Sis said she planning to buy make up tomorrow.... hahaha .....den i take lots of photo of her taking her certificate and post it up so that you all can see.... No worries No worries .... hahaha .....

anyway , since vacancies are limited .... sis can only invite .. dad , mum, me and my baby only ... den also some of her friends to go ..which is really "Some" .

it will be held at a hotel... at ard 7 pm....at the grand ballroom... so cant wear very aunty... if not like lose face ...hahahahah .... my face is very thin, cant afford to lose..

anyway , aiyo... tomorrow gt a afternoon paper to sit.... so tired .... dono dear calling a not ... until now like no information of him...... he haven call me yet ... but i give him a one missed call...... and a one missed sms .... haha .. sound spooky....

bye bye ... Good Luck to all of you for tomorrow paper...

good luck to Chrisnicko
good luck to siti
good luck to fir
good luck to alex
good luck to junwei
good luck to nervin
good luck to evon
good luck to ..... erm like no people liao .... lol... anyway , just good luck .. u be blessed ... :D

I miss your beautiful smile ... 9:19 AM

Sunday, December 7, 2008

today is a study week on sunday ?
ok, kinda bored life we have .... in our 3.2 sem undoubtly....
Studying , revising and recaping notes everyday until i feel the urge to vomit out everything i memorise ...
i got no mood to study .. feel like drinking , doing some crazy stuffs ... like dying blue hair , putting some tattoo (well, Fake de la ... ) , putting on some make up.... perming my hair ends ... becoming a sexy woman ... !!

hahahaha ... DREAM ON LA ......

i cant :
drink - i get drunk easily
dye blue - mum surely nag like hell
tattoo - becoz dear said he put a real one instead to spite me
make up- my face is extremely sensitive

wanna do really crazy stuffs on my bd... wan to dress up like a princess ... :D hahhaa .... but right now , i feel damn lazy and tired ... one paper really makes me go so lazy to study further ..... because it is only ONE ... not like last time ... TWO ... where we got to multi -task ...and study like hell ....

Anyway .... MUM bought two beer for us ....

pineapple favor - 5.0 % of alcohol
peach - 4.8 % of alcohol

wanna add them up TOGETHER ....and get drunk ... den i will forget everything ... LOL .... maybe i throw in some pictures tomorrow. Today is a damn lazy day for me ! ... :D
As promised .... Photos uploaded

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:47 AM

Saturday, December 6, 2008

歌手:杨丞琳 专辑:不良笑花主题曲


☆杨丞琳带我走☆☆不良笑花电视原声带(抢听版)☆☆不良笑花片尾曲☆☆词 曲:苏打绿☆☆music☆








带我走 到遥远的以后

带走我 一个人自转的寂寞

带我走 就算我的爱你的自由都将成为泡沫








凝在海岸结成了墨 wo~~




带我走 就算我的爱你的自由都将成为泡沫 wo~~带我走☆

I miss your beautiful smile ... 5:46 AM

Friday, December 5, 2008
YEASH! today we are catching 3D BOLT... the superdog in new york. This movie is cool... i would give it a 3.9/5, this is a good rating from a professional point of view . LOL..... the dog seem to be running out of the screen , cool and exiciting ....
Hey, Look at us !! 3D spectacles !!!

Shh, Welcome back , 007

Coffee, Tea or me ?

Tongue AGAIN .... Freako... lol

i like this picture of him... MOST decent ....

Aliens Aducted
Haha , it is pretty expensive. Each person is $13 ..... exp right .... haha ... but once in a while can la , everytime will die one lor .... haha ...
ok, if i gonna rate my favourite cartoon characters:
First is Bolt - Award for it loyalty and naive .
Second is the cat - Award for it " LECTURING" bolt that he aint no power.
Third is for the Hamster - Award for it " SUPERFAN" of BOLT...
hahaha, STUDY.... now ....

I miss your beautiful smile ... 7:10 AM

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

ok, today is a day for us to do FLSM day cause dec 5 we have to pass up the project already. We do do do.....
den after that , we go to tampines mall and eat ice kacang since we are mouth itchy... hahahah .....
Haha......a love shape hole in ice kacang
wowowowowow.. u see.... we are so lucky to make a love shape in the middle.
ah ha ...... being chopped up liao.... lol.... yummy yummy

by the way ,one more thing.. my zombie shirt ... sob sob... fade colour le...
the zombie is coming out of the shirt le ...... the curse is fading ... ahhhh
noooooo...... i wan to ask taoist to write back the curse backkkkkk....

I miss your beautiful smile ... 2:28 AM

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
i was spending the whole night waiting for dear call cause his phone is spolit and i cant reach him.

so i wait ..... wait ....... and wait........

but he told me : " tmr wake me up at 10 am, i turn in le"

i was like : " huh ?" oh ok.....

den good night.....

maybe dear cant take the harsh training cause he like never go for some days le ....

jia you wor..... honey always support you !!

I miss your beautiful smile ... 9:17 AM

GARO SONG IS HERE...... it is very cool japan animation.... i love this drama alot ... is like bleach...hahahahahaha !! Enjoy urself ....

I miss your beautiful smile ... 3:52 AM

Disclaimers ♥
Welcome To chrisnicko.blogspot.com

Love Me? I will Love you back
Hate me? 'Click Here' & SHOO! :D

Rippers are welcome to leave
NO to spamming ! No tagboard available... ^^
Chubby ♥
I'm a donkey from spain who loves to eat strawberries. ok, so im not a donkey, and i'm not from spain either, but i do love strawberries. they're very nice. but honestly, i'd rather be an animal that flies. Maybe....dunno. *shrug* mmms. ok i don't know what i am. i'm just me.

Craves,Loves,Hates ♥
craves :
a short holiday to Bali
clothings :]
hair treatment :]
pimples vanished:]
health improve :D
be happy with dear ;)
Loves :
my Bf(: Super junior
pan-kun & james ^^
Hates :
who blurge in front of you . ppl who abuse authority.
dont have alot of hates .. my life will be shorter

Gossips ♥

preferably from CBOX, but all other tagboards work here too

Runaway-s ♥
Your beautiful links here :]
Y.X.Q - Yvonne
The senior class for Manga - "FIGHT"
Manga Teacher
peishan (family)
poh khim-baobei(family)
pk shop 2
pk shop 3
cherlyn shop
Brazilian jiu jitsu Singapore
Fara Blogshop
Averine Blogshop
Poh Khim
GF- Xinyin ( dont bother trying to access unless u got the pw)

Credits ♥
Designer: Audiee-kewgirl♥
Bascodes : kathleen
image : enakei,photobucket
Brushes : Deviantart

Why did you leave me ?
I keep asking myself why .
But i just can't seems to get an answer . Different answers keep floating across my mind.
It's making me very sick.
I really miss you ...

Reminiscing ♥
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010