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Monday, September 29, 2008
today is monday and we are going to orchard for window shopping. we were walking around far east plaza and dear said he didnt eat breakfast . So, i accompany him to eat at nana restaurant. we ordered sweet and sour fish, scallop with kai lan , 2 bowls of rice and one hot green tea to eat. all in all , the total price is only S20.10 . so cheap with 20% discount. haha.

Afterwhich, we went to ceisleisure to catch a korean movie, <>. I give the movie a grade of 8.5/1o, it was super nice movie. the show is about two and a half hour , it was pretty long but it was very nice.

hehe , anyway i like the hug that dear gave me during the movie when i was trembling in coldness. so warmth. heheheh .

gtg.. bye dear ... good night. :D

I miss your beautiful smile ... 5:27 AM

Sunday, September 28, 2008
today is sunday, i managed to take half day leave off so that i can meet dear dear soon. no doubt, i also did my job as a temp staff by completing all my tasks before i went off. It been a long day since i have a break. I must have my break to walk a further distance ahead. i am too exhausted to walk any longer. anyway , i finished my work around 1 pm and went to fairplace at marsiling place to buy ham, cheese, bread, canned soup , lemon and some containers. After i reach home, i put away my bag hastily and prepared the ingredients . first, i faster boil the egg , add cheese and ham and placed in the bread. alright, my sandwiches is done. After which, i prepare the canned mushroom soup and scoop it into the container. lastly, i cut one whole lemon and squeeze the juice into a bottle and add two table spoons of honey in it to reduce the sourness. alright, i was walking happily to dear's house and take all these things for him. he was coughing due to flu.

i walked to his house and was excitied to let him taste my cooking skill. firstly, he had the canned soup, my love mushroom soup..after he taste it, he give me a grade of around C - D . he had his critic on my mushroom soup, he told me it was salty and watering. i will kambetek again.

After which, he taste my sandwiches . well, i guess he give me a B - C grade judging from the face expression he give me. anyway, that was a pass. hehehe.

lastly, he taste my lemon honey drink and my motive is to clear his throats to let him breathe better. but i didnt know 2 pieces of lemon is sufficient, i put one whole lemon in and he give me a F grade cause it was too sour to drink. i admit that .

sighed. anyway , i wasnt a good chief in the kitchen. after that , we messed around by exchanging pointers with each different martial skills. i used to have kickboxing skills and my arm toning is good. after that, well i become a slacker and my arm become a little bit flabby. dear's is currently learning a new martial arts, sanshou and we were playing with each other . i managed to let his new spectacles fly around and punch his left eyes. ouch ... sorry wor... he also hit my nose and stomach.. anyway we were messing around so we wont take it into heart la. hhahahaha... he bought 2 expensive and couple shirts for me.. hehehe .... so happy ...from graphic lei... hahahahahaha....

anyway , after i take my money, i will buy him more things .. :D

gtg.. bye

I miss your beautiful smile ... 6:47 AM

Saturday, September 27, 2008
i am feeling extremely down and depressed today. No matter how much i tried to make myself happy, i couldnt smile at all. Not at all. i was walking like a dead zombic at sun plaza , hunching my back alittle , and putting both my hands in my pocket. I didnt look what ahead of me, except legs that are walking past me. i am sad. seriously sad .

we had a fling toward each other, exchanging harsh words that wasnt meant inside my heart. I was looking forward to see him today, so looking forward. Thinking that i could see him after my off- duty , but he was sick and he wasnt in a very good moods, i was planning to see him but he asked me not to go . I was sad again. I was planning my time in a different point of views, i was thinking of rushing my works within this week so that i can quit faster, however in his perspective, he was hoping that i could manage my time well. probably taking a day off on every friday. we havent meet each other for one weeks and he couldnt wait any further. actually, me too. but each has their own views, i wont change his mindset of me. No matter how much i strive to be a wonderful girlfriend of yours, there will be always a loophole. i always wont be the perfect girlfriend in your mind, there is always be a black shadow that is casting in your heart. i am not trying to shift the problems to you, hoping you understands. i love you, just like how you love me.

i do little things that doesnt look to be impressive, i sew and make a handphone pouch for you. i know this one whole week is my neglectant to you , i alienated you to a corner. Pushing you to face nobody but the four walls. sorry , i didnt manage my timing well . now i just hope that all will be fine. we are almost going to 2 years, i just hope that we will be like last time.

laughing together...


I miss your beautiful smile ... 5:35 AM

Friday, September 26, 2008
opps... i made a mistake by saying the clothes that dear bought is from flea market. sorry wor , but he exposed his little secret out by saying that it is bought from vintage... mermaid naked body... can you imagine that ??? he also bought a bear bear for me, but is a emo type.... lol... haha ....

i left about one more file to key in before all is done. eyes pain pain ..i hope to finish all my stuffs by this friday. i wan to enjoy myself and do my project. i cant stand hearing some people ringing at my ears, very irritating like a pest. however she herself didnt know. ( opps , did i mention "she" ?) haha , ya it is a girl, very old but very naggy also ... keep explaining all the work she have done in my ears... iritating ...

anyway, bye bye .. gtg...

I miss your beautiful smile ... 5:38 AM

Thursday, September 25, 2008
I am working still in thursday to continue my unfinished work. There are loads of things to be undone and i am cursing under my desk so that people could give me a helping hands. I am all alone tying in all data and what more some people are not considerate enough to write properly . i have to give them a call and ask them again. Maybe they should train their handwritting during young days . so sickening. i have to work for extra money. money is getting sparser in my pocket and i even hav problems having a proper lunch. i tried to eat pandan cakes and some bun to last through the day , but i gt hungry at the late afternoon ...then in the end, i bought a chicken rice. All in all, i spend more than i save.. awwwwwwwwwww... goodness sake....

anyway , today dear dear very funny, he try mary had a little lamb using his U700 phone. and in miracle, it actually worked. My credits. haha ...he is going to flea market with his friend to buy clothes for me if he see any nice clothes. hahahah...

ok ok ... i gtg... bye bye

I miss your beautiful smile ... 4:37 AM

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
I am still working at fuchun CC ,learning new experiences along as i goes. I learnt to be humble as i spoke, learnt to smile at people whom are hard to please and keeping track of time within the deadlines. It wasnt as easy as it seems but i always try to maintain my status. Well , i managed to key in 490 data into the system within 2 days . WOW... what a strain of vision ... haizz... but for the sake of earning money in my wallet, i tolerate all the job task .

Today Dear called me up and chat with me for a while. I know the trick to improve eyesight already. Drink celery and carrot together... haha... i will force my mum to do it for me everyday... wahhh...she gonna suffered by me... wahahaha...

So dear ? how is your work today ? if you see my blog, give me a tag... okay ... Muacks... love you always ... bye bye

I miss your beautiful smile ... 6:12 AM

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
it was a day where me and dear finally watch a movie together, . well this movie wasnt impressive but i like some part of the show. haha ... finally i have filfilled one of my september wishes in 2008, within this one month, i have completed 6/10 wishes.so good! well,today we have made 30% payment to hoo soon .

haha...tml working again....haiz...hope i can get the cash soon.

I miss your beautiful smile ... 3:36 AM

Monday, September 22, 2008
Hey hey , Today is a wonderful monday. I've been to work and i have already proved my capability as well as independent in data entry work. Well, as you know, government job is a very busy task and they have no time to teach me slowly. They expect you to know what is your purpose in coming to work rather than a mother teaching a child to study ABC.


Boss : christinyn , later you faxed all this data to different community centre .

Me: Okay . sure no problem. ( Going to PA online and search for different CC information )

Me: (without guidence, managed to do it all by myself) - SO PROUD ... hahahah

Anyway, that is my first experience in admin work. Well, the CC computer is in low quality and it is a very old brand. It hurts eyes alot. I plan to drink more cranberries juice to boost my eyes... Ahhhhhh ~~hope it helps..... must rmb to rest after 30 mins......jia you ahhhhhh


I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:08 AM

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Yesterday was a little suprise by dear action, he bought a pink shawl for me. That was a sweet move. However , dear wasnt happy at all due to minor incident. Well, hope he will find peace and happiness at the end of the day. Hopefully.

Anyway , today i guess today is the last day of submitting the transport schemes. You know what ? 1193 people sign up for the free priviledge that the government is giving away. Well, i can said some people is a crook and some people really deserve our sympathy. Is it how you look at the matter , isnt it ?? Haha...

Anyway , project still half done. Waiting for the purchasing order to be send to the comapny so that they can furnish our items ... well, slow is the trick into success... well, probably.maybe. Probably as we set our eyes to be slower, we may looked into more details so that we will not make the same mistakes again.
finally, i hope again.

Anyway, i have a news to report. I got a temp weekend jobs. But i loathe CPF, turing my money to become more sparser, i loathe the feeling.Initally, i calculate my money to be at least 300 plus, now probably 280 plus. You see the differences? sian... =.=

gtg .. hope dear is okay after a while

I miss your beautiful smile ... 6:51 PM

Thursday, September 18, 2008
It been a few days since i put my pictures on my blogger because my freaking phone is spoilt already. U7oo , you are such a disgrace to samsung trade. I cant believe i have you as one of my personal belongings. i almost can envisioned you to be the downfall in sumsung business, rest assured i will watch you fall beneath my toes. (.\_/.). Forget it le la ....

Anyway let said something joyful. Me and dear went to orchard and go for a shopping spree today. wahahahahahah .. we been to takashimaya, heeren, etc bah ... we been to takashimaya first and went to shop at Zara place... we walked in circles looking for dear jacket but was nowhere to be seem. Luckily for my swiftly eyes , i managed to find the jacket .. hehe ... ven dear was impressed by me ... Wahahahah ... i am so proud of myself . haha ... anyway bought the jacket for him , he so happy. He bought things for me too. the eye talk for the double eyelids and a pink clothes...

hehe ... i gtg already .... byebye

I miss your beautiful smile ... 5:55 AM

Wednesday, September 17, 2008
i am suspecting myself to have a bad stomach flu from yesterday till now. imagine yourself shitting 13th time a day ... it is like clearing your bowel and empty the food inside you. I have nothing inside me already. i weighted myself yesterday, it was only 42 kg . I lost appromax. 2 kg within one day. Can you imagine the suffering of clearing of bowels?Right before this , i have a slight fever of 100.1 F which is 37.9 degree (c) due to my constipation for three days ago. I didnt pass any motion at all for the past 3 days at all. What a day of my life ahead ....

i could almost hear my stomach sneezing and coughing , causing motion to cough out as it sneezes hard . haizz, i gtg ... too hungry to write anything further.. Good bye blogger ..

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:47 PM

Saturday, September 13, 2008
Hey , i am working now ... but suprised , i am not wrking at jelutong but Fuchun CC which is al woodland. Well, sometimes you cant predict those things that happen around you. I was thinking is it that the more you desired , the disappointed you will be ?? Just as i was feeling alittle bit down , surprise enriches me ... Just like a magic.... HAHA.... well, this is a admin job, helping eldery to take down their particulars....to sign up for the $ 40 voucher ( to top up ez link card) that the government is giving away for those residents who are not very wealthy. HAHA ... now the crowds is getting lesser... the time now is 5.24 pm...i think most of the eldery are very tired and they are waiting for tomorrow bah ... That is what i think, probably what i think wasn't right after all..

Anyway people here are pretty good , cute and easy to communicate... well just a few dude which are slightly harder for me to communicate....but overall , it is basically okay for me to work here .. bah ... haha

ok ... gtg ... alr .... bye bye

I miss your beautiful smile ... 2:16 AM

Thursday, September 11, 2008
Well, like i said .. i be changing my jobs if they still never email me on this sun... i cant possibly wait for them to call...or email me ... it doesnt sound really logical to me in my dictionary. If they shows no interest in hiring me , i wont be bother at all too. Of course , i still need money to survive in order to have all my luxury items. Besides, i hope to get a job which is near my house, no transportation fees at all. That is more practical to me. I have no confession card anymore and public transportation ain't cheap too.

I am truely disappointed on the community centre operation. At least , they should send me an email stating that my working times need to be delayed due to insufficient of manpower. At least let me know what excatly is happinging behind the screen, rather than letting me wait for their emails to come. I shouldnt have rejected the calls that people are interested in hiring me .. feel so disppointed now .. Nevermind, just forget it ....

got to go.... bye

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:00 PM

Somehow in different perspective of my life, i heard one proverb saying : " Yesterday was a past, today is a mystery" Well , i was happy and excitied yesterday as i found a job at the community centre there ... However , Up till now ( 4.37 pm ) i recieved no answers from them. Am i going to face disapointed again or it is just because their working efficiency is slow... Even forwarding a email took them so long.... I am clueless. Well, a job is not totally important but it can keep me occupied as well as to earn extra income.

I decided to call them back at 5.21 pm and asked them when the person- in - charge contact me ? or should i wait for their call ?? I pondered. I hope they will contact me asap.... i am loss of money due to my luxury things i have spend..... Money, Money Money keep rolling in my pocket.... I desired their phone call so much.... call me Okay, community center....???!!?? CYA....soon

I miss your beautiful smile ... 1:35 AM

Wednesday, September 10, 2008
yipee... today was a happy moments for me, how i wished that this day can be halted so that i can continue to enjoy the sweetness of my little success. I am a simple girl whom can be easily satisfy with a little bit of success in my career . I hold positions in cashier and sales promoter before, therefore i feel that it is quite important for me to try out different type of working environment so as to broaden my wisdom. well, i am extremely stupid when i handle cashier but as the days passed by, controlling the finance is as easy as ABC. hahaha ... but i can swear to myself that i am honest and i will not take the what-so-ever company's money .

Well , i am so excitied to find a job near my house and what it takes is only 300 foot walks to my job place. You know, Jelutong, community centre there ... oh my god , finally i find a job without using any single money out for transportation already. All my previous jobs are quite a distance away , like Orchard , Defu , and Hougang... so far ... and the pay really doesnt worth the trip.... this time i can save lot of money to myself... anw, i still need to give money to my mummy and buy a Levis watch for my dear .... the rest of the money is for saving or buying new items purpose. School is reopening at 20 oct and i find a need to buy new things ... i NEEd Money ... you know , MONEY = WORK.... this is always a connection whenever you required money ... haha ...

Ok la... so happy alr... i buy myself a new wallet and a new clothes.... heheheh.... u see tml.... i buy make up .... well , that is only consider if i have extra capital to spend away ... hehehe

oh ya , last but not least .. i passed my 3.1 ... managed to hop on to 3.2... right now , i just wanted to get out of temasek poly, find myself a job... or upgrade myself ... to the course ... especially Security and BCM ... and project management ... i am really not into microcontroller of java... i get dishearted easily.... haha ... ..ok la...

GTG.... bye.... :D

I miss your beautiful smile ... 2:35 AM

Friday, September 5, 2008
i am feeling so vexed today, nothing in this world impress me or adore me... i wasnt exactly incompetent, i knew how to fix a scanner up ... i have produced proofs as my witness !!!

The fixing process

1) i put the scanner below nicely

2) 250 v power socket.

3)push the pins to the holes

4) see... it is all done up " i hate to be compared with an idiot"

These are the evidences i have in my hand. And the greatest thing i detest is to be compared with a "IDIOT" you n i know who is that culprit.... so stop using that person when we are talking on the phone. You should know i wont flare my temper because you said i cant fix a scanner up.... Cmon, i knew how to fix , just that i was a bit lazy.. you n i are almost going to 2 years and i believed you know my character better than anyone else. If i made a silly mistakes, i will laugh and admend the mistakes i have made, alright .... you should know what i always hate and fall out with you during that moment whenever you speak of that person(s) . i am a straight person, i believed i wont hidden all my flaws so well that you cant even see through me at all.. alright?

So i hope from today onwards, whenever we talked during the phone... it will be only you and me ... unless neccessary ... please....

i wont want my weekend to be a disaster .. you too... okay ? see you ...

I miss your beautiful smile ... 10:48 PM

Thursday, September 4, 2008
hello everybody , i am back from boring days. Hahahahahahaha.....i still remembered the day where we went to suki sushi and we do something creative... heehee...
This is wad i drew using their soya sauce.
Tata ~~~~~
see the arrow, i was too lazy to write "Nick love Me" or i just drew an arrow instead. hahahaha... but the effect was pretty impressive.
haha... anyway dear drew something for me also but was pretty unsightly...but quite warming in heart also.... :)
you see... tata ~~~~~~~~~~~
See... that was me during holidays....wahahahaha...memories flashed..
but the main purpose is for handphone pouch... i think is to girly for him....haizzz...nvm la...jia you...
~~ ends of updates ~~ hahaha

I miss your beautiful smile ... 7:46 AM

Monday, September 1, 2008
I was planning to have a boring day ahead for the next 6 weeks since i am currently having holidays now .... Today i was not feeling very well, i also not sure what cause the dizziness in me. well, probably is the sports bar i wore ytd before i sleep ... after i woke up, i cant seem to focus and breathin is not in a regular state.... i so ke lian lor... hhahahaha.... den after that i began to sweat out profusely and i feel so feeble and exhaused.. haizzzz.... sobbies....lucky mum cook the tom yam soup...i am so excitied to said : " I SHIT OUT FOR 3 TIMES, FINALLY I DID IT " my stomach was feeling so bloated nowadays therefore shitting out is a must for ME ... if not i don feel ease in eating meat ,,, all i can eat will be only vegetables...

after that , my friend tell me her troubles ... well all i can said, no matter where are heading to, this is your own decision.. but from the way u tell me about him , he is really good enough to be your friend.. that all, well sometimes it is good to have someone to care for you especially seeing you leading an extrordinary life and he still concern about your health matters, he cares for your health , he is a good man ... however, since he has a parther already , it is good to keep a distance away from him .. this is the onli way to protect you from getting harm ... :D... you have to love yourself first before people can love you... alright gal.... Everything will be fine ... take care of yourself ... :D

I miss your beautiful smile ... 7:24 AM

Disclaimers ♥
Welcome To chrisnicko.blogspot.com

Love Me? I will Love you back
Hate me? 'Click Here' & SHOO! :D

Rippers are welcome to leave
NO to spamming ! No tagboard available... ^^
Chubby ♥
I'm a donkey from spain who loves to eat strawberries. ok, so im not a donkey, and i'm not from spain either, but i do love strawberries. they're very nice. but honestly, i'd rather be an animal that flies. Maybe....dunno. *shrug* mmms. ok i don't know what i am. i'm just me.

Craves,Loves,Hates ♥
craves :
a short holiday to Bali
clothings :]
hair treatment :]
pimples vanished:]
health improve :D
be happy with dear ;)
Loves :
my Bf(: Super junior
pan-kun & james ^^
Hates :
who blurge in front of you . ppl who abuse authority.
dont have alot of hates .. my life will be shorter

Gossips ♥

preferably from CBOX, but all other tagboards work here too

Runaway-s ♥
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The senior class for Manga - "FIGHT"
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pk shop 2
pk shop 3
cherlyn shop
Brazilian jiu jitsu Singapore
Fara Blogshop
Averine Blogshop
Poh Khim
GF- Xinyin ( dont bother trying to access unless u got the pw)

Credits ♥
Designer: Audiee-kewgirl♥
Bascodes : kathleen
image : enakei,photobucket
Brushes : Deviantart

Why did you leave me ?
I keep asking myself why .
But i just can't seems to get an answer . Different answers keep floating across my mind.
It's making me very sick.
I really miss you ...

Reminiscing ♥
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010