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Sunday, July 27, 2008
Having sweetness days with dear starting from today and eternity... let start by saying today is the 1st day.

Today , me n dear dear go to changi airport terminal 3. It was nicely done up and the main concept was mainly on green nature. I love it. nice foods were there , i was actually thinking of fulfilling one of my wishlist on my blog... which is to go to bar with dear de . unfortunately,i have only 15 bucks with me .... therefore, i find it hard for me to have a couple of drinks there ... haha ... but i was contented to be with my dear dear ... we start from terminal 3 ... den terminal 1 den to terminal 2. well, terminal 1 was a bit old ... seriously , looking at terminal 3, i start to compare and nag like a old woman. haha .... i bought a jelli bean from candy empire ... it was nice .. 36 different favors .... in total...
**** Pictures updated ****
up up lobby ..

hey the love seed is so big

Have you feel the ruins atmostphere ?

this flower reacted to sound and light .. haha

Maximum the usage of lighting without using electricity in the day.. wow !

i have lots of picture of the terminal 3 but it was with dear dear ... so ..... ya lor .... LOL... i will post it asap.... :D haizz., anw my phone is currently repairing... so i cant used ... very sian .. repair for 4 times alr ....still like dat ... i feel like using my old phone rather than new phone ... haha ... anw.....i am giving dear a big surprise on our 1 yr n 8 mth .... currently , i am preparing it everyday ...hoping i could make it on time... :D as long as we are happy, nothing bothers us at all... muackssssss to dear... cheers!!!!!!!!

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:48 AM

Disclaimers ♥
Welcome To chrisnicko.blogspot.com

Love Me? I will Love you back
Hate me? 'Click Here' & SHOO! :D

Rippers are welcome to leave
NO to spamming ! No tagboard available... ^^
Chubby ♥
I'm a donkey from spain who loves to eat strawberries. ok, so im not a donkey, and i'm not from spain either, but i do love strawberries. they're very nice. but honestly, i'd rather be an animal that flies. Maybe....dunno. *shrug* mmms. ok i don't know what i am. i'm just me.

Craves,Loves,Hates ♥
craves :
a short holiday to Bali
clothings :]
hair treatment :]
pimples vanished:]
health improve :D
be happy with dear ;)
Loves :
my Bf(: Super junior
pan-kun & james ^^
Hates :
who blurge in front of you . ppl who abuse authority.
dont have alot of hates .. my life will be shorter

Gossips ♥

preferably from CBOX, but all other tagboards work here too

Runaway-s ♥
Your beautiful links here :]
Y.X.Q - Yvonne
The senior class for Manga - "FIGHT"
Manga Teacher
peishan (family)
poh khim-baobei(family)
pk shop 2
pk shop 3
cherlyn shop
Brazilian jiu jitsu Singapore
Fara Blogshop
Averine Blogshop
Poh Khim
GF- Xinyin ( dont bother trying to access unless u got the pw)

Credits ♥
Designer: Audiee-kewgirl♥
Bascodes : kathleen
image : enakei,photobucket
Brushes : Deviantart

Why did you leave me ?
I keep asking myself why .
But i just can't seems to get an answer . Different answers keep floating across my mind.
It's making me very sick.
I really miss you ...

Reminiscing ♥
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010