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Sunday, June 29, 2008
Today, we been to " xin fu yam cha" to have ourbreakfast at tao payoh... but it was such a disappointment in term of services,food,etc...................and it was so expensive..................................$90.80......................................................

i have took some pictures...haha

the signage

The food we ordered.........

then i took photo in my dad car ......

take 1

take 2

I miss your beautiful smile ... 5:50 AM

Saturday, June 28, 2008
haha ... yesterday my sis went to melaka and brought some souvenoirs for me .. haha .... i took some pictures ......

This is a big ostrich EGG!! WOW... bigger than my ass

See How big it is ............
This hole is for other purpose ....... eg lamp decoration.
This fruit taste like a combination of guvave and apple ... yummy
Souvenoirs from melaka.... i choose the purple one
This prawn cracker cost $ 2.50 ..... yummy .. cheap !
I haven eat it yet .. but should be nice....
THE END~~~~~~~~~~~~~ heheh

I miss your beautiful smile ... 7:45 PM

Friday, June 27, 2008
Today is a fine weather to me. Haha , we are honoured to attend the >60 offical opening in design school. Oh ya, Mr nathan ( our Singapore President is there to witness the opening of the cermony ) .... We were asked to Q-up in a line to welcome Mr nathan and clap hands as he walk passed us. We clap our hands no matter who passed by, including secondary student too.. lol !!!!!
Anw , I have taken some pictures.... hope you will enjoy the blog.
Before we been there..................................................................
Stop it.... Disgusting lor...
YOu can be a vampire show already... you act just like one ....
That is MY HEAD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Authorium 1 . i was damn bo liao so i took some picture in there.
See the screen.... that is authorium 2 ... you can see Mr nathan inside.
After that we started to be taking pictures of ourselves... we are sweety !!!
You seriously dont have to act so cool...than me!!!! haha
I have no comments.. Please stop giving me money!!!!
We saw a beautiful cat lying on the ground...

I miss your beautiful smile ... 3:43 AM

Thursday, June 19, 2008

RockYou FXText

I miss your beautiful smile ... 11:18 PM

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Today is our one year and 6 months.... Dear dear so naughty lor................ he bullied me ...............................hehe~~!!! The thing he do for me is priceless :) ahhh... so hard to explain lor..... it touches my heart tenderly....hehe ... better than buying things for me ... HEhe .... i am very easy to take care of :D hehe .... Just pamper me like a pet ... can alr ... heehee... save money also ... but this is only applicable to my dear dear



I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:41 AM

Disclaimers ♥
Welcome To chrisnicko.blogspot.com

Love Me? I will Love you back
Hate me? 'Click Here' & SHOO! :D

Rippers are welcome to leave
NO to spamming ! No tagboard available... ^^
Chubby ♥
I'm a donkey from spain who loves to eat strawberries. ok, so im not a donkey, and i'm not from spain either, but i do love strawberries. they're very nice. but honestly, i'd rather be an animal that flies. Maybe....dunno. *shrug* mmms. ok i don't know what i am. i'm just me.

Craves,Loves,Hates ♥
craves :
a short holiday to Bali
clothings :]
hair treatment :]
pimples vanished:]
health improve :D
be happy with dear ;)
Loves :
my Bf(: Super junior
pan-kun & james ^^
Hates :
who blurge in front of you . ppl who abuse authority.
dont have alot of hates .. my life will be shorter

Gossips ♥

preferably from CBOX, but all other tagboards work here too

Runaway-s ♥
Your beautiful links here :]
Y.X.Q - Yvonne
The senior class for Manga - "FIGHT"
Manga Teacher
peishan (family)
poh khim-baobei(family)
pk shop 2
pk shop 3
cherlyn shop
Brazilian jiu jitsu Singapore
Fara Blogshop
Averine Blogshop
Poh Khim
GF- Xinyin ( dont bother trying to access unless u got the pw)

Credits ♥
Designer: Audiee-kewgirl♥
Bascodes : kathleen
image : enakei,photobucket
Brushes : Deviantart

Why did you leave me ?
I keep asking myself why .
But i just can't seems to get an answer . Different answers keep floating across my mind.
It's making me very sick.
I really miss you ...

Reminiscing ♥
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010