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Thursday, May 29, 2008


HONEY ......

I miss your beautiful smile ... 9:45 AM

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
i just have a soft rebonding on last sun.... Therefore only to take picture of me now .... me having a very very light make up without putting any powder on my face. I knew my face cant take it any further.....

ermmmmmm ....

short hair huh ???

sweetie pie ...

you wanna piece of shit from me huh ??

what am i looking at ????????????

just a short memory of me after i just cut my hair ... haha

I miss your beautiful smile ... 6:27 AM

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
TODAY I AM VERY VERY HAPPY!!!!! it is our 1 yr & 5 mths anniversary tday ... We sneak out of sch.... and went to the amk to have our sushi breakfast... It costs only 99 cents per plate... cheap cheap cheap :D
16 colour plate. one white plate & 2 green teas.. it cost only $ 24
He is promoting suki sushi for free . haha
haha !!!!! i am pointing at him
See how my baby eat the sushi... yummy !!
U see , Tongue Sicko again !!! @.@ lol
Fear not , this is a new sushi!! haha
He is so focus on the sushi... haha
We are snatching it ... u go away ...
sad.... he GT the sushi ...
Fine!!! you win!! hng
He eats too much... den he become emo.. haha
yuck!!!look at my hair
Before we went back to school, he act like a insect.. lol...
after that , we go back to school at ard 4pm.

I miss your beautiful smile ... 6:04 AM

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Today is the best reward for all mummies because it is happy mother's day today. Haha... of cuz, we went to celebrate too... we been to shaw plaza and eat 99 cents sushi... cheaper than sakae sushi .... it is around balestian road there .. lol... :D

when i was hitching a ride from dad , i remember something.

Can you see the mark??? it is done by a toothpick... it poke right through.. painful... :(

Hey , i am a guai guai lady..haha

Den after that.... me and my sister took some pictures of us together. :D haha

Take 1

i am nut!!!!

Seem like we are floating.... lol

That is my funny sister

After that we went to sushi shop .. and i took lots of pictures of tt place :D
haha.... gorging time...

It look really yummy

Alright, this is my favorite salmon .... wahhhh ... 99 cent per plate

The kitchen.... lol...

Take 2

This is my daddy... eating ramen....lol

This is me... drinking tea!!!!

After that ... on the way home....
So beautifulllll....

4.30 pm... i am back home ...lol

I miss your beautiful smile ... 2:08 AM

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Today was a very long day for us. Haha ... however, most of the beautiful days are taken today.. hehe .... it was pretty funny today.. lol... however, today i wake up early as he sms me.. but the funniest thing is he went back to sleep and as a result he was late . he appeared at tampanies only at 8.30 am.... so late ... so in order to stall the time for him..
i took a pictures of myself again as to wait patiently for him... haha
Take 1
Take 2( see how boring i am now )

Take 3 ( see my oily face as i wait for him)
After that when he arrive , he keep saying sorry ...LOL...
After that , we went to our workplace again ... and started taking our pictures again to keep as memories lol.
I bite his hand but i look like a hamster. haha
He very bo liao and scratch his arm. aiyo................
See my dear dear become so tiny tiny ... head .. lol
I am dragging a zombie up using my fingers
After that we played a game at www.y8.com... so funny.. but i win
Second time, I win again............. Y(^^)Y
Third time, i win again .... hahahahahahhaha ^^
After 5.30 pm, we went home by taking bus 291.... and take a picture of us again... hhahaha
Cheese !!!!! hahaha .. that is a decent picture of us ..finally
hahah .. any way for the last thing to said before i said goodbye.......
( 2 years ago ) ( 2 year later)
Do you think i undergo plastic surgeny???? that depend on how you see me ... lol.... hahaha ..... :D

I miss your beautiful smile ... 5:32 AM

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Today was a cooling weather, phew ... thank god that gods has given us a glimpse of hope ... lol...

In the morning, after preparation myself, wear nice nice clothings and put on my usual make up ... after that , when i was going out, dad offered me for a ride to the yishun bus stop.

That is my daddy....giving me a ride to the yishun bus stop.

After that sit at the bus stop waiting for bus 969 to tampanies ...

After that ,,, we reach school around 8.20 am... pretty early to school .. haha .. miracle... haven been late before ... i break my own record alr.. lol.

Den reach our destinated point, and dear very bo liao and poke himself.... see for urself bah ...

That is a really real nail.... no joke man ...

After that dear bought a small belt...normally used to tied a pipe together ... dono what should tt thing be called... den we put in on our eyes .. as a form of decoration...

Dear!!!! Can u just take a decent picture ... ??!!??!?!?

That is me wearing a very special ring.. ehehehe

After that 5.00 .. went to the biometrics station .. i am the first in line.. so happy ... lol.... accompany dear to eat .. then later we went home le.. that is how our day ends... hahahaha

I miss your beautiful smile ... 6:53 AM

Disclaimers ♥
Welcome To chrisnicko.blogspot.com

Love Me? I will Love you back
Hate me? 'Click Here' & SHOO! :D

Rippers are welcome to leave
NO to spamming ! No tagboard available... ^^
Chubby ♥
I'm a donkey from spain who loves to eat strawberries. ok, so im not a donkey, and i'm not from spain either, but i do love strawberries. they're very nice. but honestly, i'd rather be an animal that flies. Maybe....dunno. *shrug* mmms. ok i don't know what i am. i'm just me.

Craves,Loves,Hates ♥
craves :
a short holiday to Bali
clothings :]
hair treatment :]
pimples vanished:]
health improve :D
be happy with dear ;)
Loves :
my Bf(: Super junior
pan-kun & james ^^
Hates :
who blurge in front of you . ppl who abuse authority.
dont have alot of hates .. my life will be shorter

Gossips ♥

preferably from CBOX, but all other tagboards work here too

Runaway-s ♥
Your beautiful links here :]
Y.X.Q - Yvonne
The senior class for Manga - "FIGHT"
Manga Teacher
peishan (family)
poh khim-baobei(family)
pk shop 2
pk shop 3
cherlyn shop
Brazilian jiu jitsu Singapore
Fara Blogshop
Averine Blogshop
Poh Khim
GF- Xinyin ( dont bother trying to access unless u got the pw)

Credits ♥
Designer: Audiee-kewgirl♥
Bascodes : kathleen
image : enakei,photobucket
Brushes : Deviantart

Why did you leave me ?
I keep asking myself why .
But i just can't seems to get an answer . Different answers keep floating across my mind.
It's making me very sick.
I really miss you ...

Reminiscing ♥
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010