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Wednesday, April 30, 2008
It remain hot for a couple of days. Lucky , Today god pity on us and gave us a little shade and cooling temperature . Nowadays weather is pretty hot here , so better take good care of your health wor .

When i was in secondary 4 , my discipline teacher asked the whole students one question.

Mr Z : When you think a girl is the most beautiful ?

Boys would said:" When a pretty girl appeared in front of me naked".

However To girls, We will start to think that putting on make up is the most beautiful because it tends to cover all your flaw on your face. Such as pimples , scar.. etc.

However, Mr Z replies : A girl is the most beautiful when she wakes up 6 am in the morning.

I was taken aback. Noooooo.. That was the most disgusting thing that girls usually think. Your eyes is half open, ur hair is frizzy n messy. Sometimes u smell bad and u drool while u sleep.

But, Mr Z said : " It was the most natural part in a woman body. It doesnt need to cover anything. Natural beauty is the most beautiful"

Haha, just a short real story told by our ex discipline teacher.

During 7 am in the morning.

Trying to become a Spiderwoman. lol

I am trying to be a fortune Cat . HeHe.. Money Come Come now.

Trying To Act cute !?!?!?!?!? Well , that is a missed.

After that Go school ... Life is always like a routine to me alr. 9 am to 5.30 pm.... 9 am to 5.30 pm....... So tired have to wake up 3 hrs to prepare myself. Because i lived quite far from my sch...Sambawang to tampanies. Not near actually. no choice. i have no regret. This is the path i took. :)

After that we walk arounf the School. I find a beautiful place where i never been to . :)

Guess where is the place in TP ????

After that We went for a briefing about project management. Den dear dear found one small hole near his pocket. and he poke into his pant. lol, funny :)

After that our day ended :D lol

I miss your beautiful smile ... 7:31 AM

Monday, April 28, 2008

Today is a really long long day for us. It was a Sunny Sunny day today. As usual i prepare myself by bathing , putting on light make up.. put on double eyelid using eye talk and applied pink lipstick. Wearing a red devil clothes i buy during sunday..
During 7 am in the morning ... haven wear my spec yet. lol
Look at my eyes .. u can see them sparkling.
i only like my left eyes but not right. Right eyes is a fake double eyelid... I applied eye talk to create the illusion.
after that went to tp ... reach sch abt 8. 30 am.. consider as early bird alr to me. lol... Den after that i sense to be a little bit bored.. So i continue to take pictures of my dear dear ... with his special edition of clothes ... Let me introduce his shirt .. The Rope shirt.
Boys and girls should not set him as a role example of putting tt signal. You will get slap by ur parent..
You see .. my dear is a tongue sicko
He is being emo and self centered again....
after all these photos i take..... We begin to do our wrk again... but shortly after we felt boring and play games to entertain ourself... That is how a 9 am to 5 pm... work can lead to......

I miss your beautiful smile ... 4:42 AM

Sunday, April 27, 2008
surprise surprise .. No rain today.. :D LOL ... the weather is above 37 degrees today ( i guess) it was so hot that we keep rushing to shopping centre at orchard to shop. It is not a good day for shopping .. I rather it drizzle abit :D
Before We went to orchard .. We took a bus ( that is what happen when we are bored )
( Hey u are picking on my nose ) Damn you ~~ :D
(I am a peace maker , you are the peace destroyer ) wahhh
( aiyo .. my eyes are fixed to be that dimension... sad la ) small eyes
That is when everything get bored... We very long never took pictures together alr ...hehe ...so happy... the happiness in life is to make sure that you capture everything in detail. :D den went orchard and buy clothing and belt.. but pocket got one big hole alr .. sad ah.. have to eat porriage in sch alr ... $ 1.10 ... the cheapest porriage sold in tp.... sad sad "( lol.... have to wait until i saved enough money to eat sakai sushi again. :D SEe first bah ... i no money alr ... i m a poor student barely enough to entertain myself . Haha .. but taking photos is one of the best entertainment that everyone could afford :D
Our Dinner in shaw house . (student meal $ 4.30 .. i eat the fish ole... dear eat the zinger meal)
(den take pic of him again :D cmon dont be a nerd lei ... lol )
after that dinner , went for a walk at far east and go home le. hehe :D that is a beautiful day i ever have :D

I miss your beautiful smile ... 6:28 AM

Saturday, April 26, 2008

hi, it been one week since i enter my blogger... How are you all ? Been very busy lately, exploring lots of ideas for our major project . life has been a hectic for me... :S

i have a new drama to introduce to my friens who enter my blog . The drama is called "dream link" or often called as "Dreams behind a curtain"

This is a very nice drama . I cant missed it , if not i feel very miserable .. lol... 46 esp in total...

I like the all the main character.. especially zi ling and fei yufan... Their love is like a dream..where u cant achieve in singapore ... if u watch this show u get what i mean after all .....

Anyway i got the 2 main characters blog address...

(汪绿萍 & 汪紫菱)




Ok ... please support ... good night .. too sleepy :S

I miss your beautiful smile ... 11:57 AM

Sunday, April 20, 2008
It was getting darker as it goes. I cant see any cresent Moon nor stars hanging above the sky. I have a big mission with us for the next 6 months or so. After which, Probably our class will scattered again. I am not too sure. I am Very tired ... Today is the first day of our MP. I think its going to be hellish work. Tired will be all over my head..Tomorrow......

Dear always comment that i am always lazy to use my bloody head. Am i ??? I am not too sure...Haha...Tomorrow i be using my bloody head to think...haha... i need nourish soup to train my brain..MUM cook more nourish stuffs for me, such as onion frog leg....... MY FAV. i do all means to get that dish... hehe

Goood night.... baby

I miss your beautiful smile ... 8:39 AM

Saturday, April 19, 2008
It is 2.31 am. I am feeling quite sleepy already. Probably i will turn in after writting a few lines. Well , nothin much today. Accompany dear to eat pizza and pasta . Mine taste nicer of course ..LOL.. Cant be helped. Dine at suntec city. Greeted junwei along the way before having dinner.

Went strolling along suntec city , but caught a flu half way. So unlucky. Well, I am better now after drinking chinese herb tea. So tomorrow can go out. Love you dear, Gt well Soon. God blessed you.

Muack, Too tired . Night to everyone.

I miss your beautiful smile ... 11:31 AM

Friday, April 18, 2008
Midnight has arrived... waiting for my dear to call me . He is not in a good state to chat with ... due to personal reason, i am not obliged to say in public .. I will observe all the personal right before saying any words. That is the promises i give to u , baby... dont wry , One month is sufficient..Right Now , My shoulder is aching like hell..So hurtful. I felt like groaning painfully.

anyway, I was busy with editing my photos using photoshop to create special effect on different pictures.Some of the pictured turned out well... :D So happy ...

Let me post some of the pictures i edited just now :

sleep well, dear ... dont worry be happy .. U be fine :)

I miss your beautiful smile ... 9:10 AM

Today is April 18 2008. sunny . To all my friends who view my posting, i believed right now u should have assigned to a MP-SIP. We been assigned to a project but it is rather inconvenience for me to say it out now. It's been a long long story. Actually, few days ago, We have been offered by mdn praveena for the LTA project . However , Our Initial research has revealed that Our path will be full of obstacles if we still continue to stick on to this LTA project. Therefore we had to reject the offer.

So whatever it takes , i believed that every MP-SIP has to put in effort. regardless of SIP-MP or OSIP , every opportunity is a chance to grab. Dont gives up hopes ! U know .. :D

If one day we achieved TKK award , maybe our resumes will have one thing to be proud of . Thanks lord, For giving us chance again.

Love you, Baby.Nic

I miss your beautiful smile ... 2:57 AM

Disclaimers ♥
Welcome To chrisnicko.blogspot.com

Love Me? I will Love you back
Hate me? 'Click Here' & SHOO! :D

Rippers are welcome to leave
NO to spamming ! No tagboard available... ^^
Chubby ♥
I'm a donkey from spain who loves to eat strawberries. ok, so im not a donkey, and i'm not from spain either, but i do love strawberries. they're very nice. but honestly, i'd rather be an animal that flies. Maybe....dunno. *shrug* mmms. ok i don't know what i am. i'm just me.

Craves,Loves,Hates ♥
craves :
a short holiday to Bali
clothings :]
hair treatment :]
pimples vanished:]
health improve :D
be happy with dear ;)
Loves :
my Bf(: Super junior
pan-kun & james ^^
Hates :
who blurge in front of you . ppl who abuse authority.
dont have alot of hates .. my life will be shorter

Gossips ♥

preferably from CBOX, but all other tagboards work here too

Runaway-s ♥
Your beautiful links here :]
Y.X.Q - Yvonne
The senior class for Manga - "FIGHT"
Manga Teacher
peishan (family)
poh khim-baobei(family)
pk shop 2
pk shop 3
cherlyn shop
Brazilian jiu jitsu Singapore
Fara Blogshop
Averine Blogshop
Poh Khim
GF- Xinyin ( dont bother trying to access unless u got the pw)

Credits ♥
Designer: Audiee-kewgirl♥
Bascodes : kathleen
image : enakei,photobucket
Brushes : Deviantart

Why did you leave me ?
I keep asking myself why .
But i just can't seems to get an answer . Different answers keep floating across my mind.
It's making me very sick.
I really miss you ...

Reminiscing ♥
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010